Media & Political Campaigns

Assignment: How are political campaigns influenced by social media anyhow do they use it to their advantage? Read Articles and take notes to prepare for your first essay.READ: Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014, role played by social media in political participation and electoral campaigns, Crossing the Campaign Divide: Dean Changes the … Read more


Please read these documents and answer the following questions: (a) How do the scopes of practice differ between audiologists and speech-language pathologists (SLP)? (b) How do the scopes of practice relate to the education of students in each profession? (In Unit 1 Supplemental Materials folder, there is an article on the education of audiology students … Read more


Please read these documents and answer the following questions: (a) How do the scopes of practice differ between audiologists and speech-language pathologists (SLP)? (b) How do the scopes of practice relate to the education of students in each profession? (In Unit 1 Supplemental Materials folder, there is an article on the education of audiology students … Read more


Discussion Forum 2-  Literature, Childrens Aesthetic and Developmental Needs Length of Initial Post – 300-350 words Read The Bat-Poet, a book by Randall Jarrell and Maurice Sendak (pages scanned in folder in this weeks Learning Module).Read Literature: What is It? an essay by Rebecca Lukens.Read Aesthetic Development in Early Childhood, an essay by Tawnya Eash.Read … Read more

description essay

DESCRIPTION ESSAY Authors read:Kate ChopinThe StormE.B. WhiteOnce More to the LakeAnn HodgmanNo Wonder They Call Me a Bitch Assignment:Select one author and discuss the elements of style and structure as they relate to his/her purpose. Structure:Use the following paragraph order and content: Introduction (1 paragraph)Author and titleSubject matter of authors essayPurpose of authors essayYour papers … Read more

description essay

DESCRIPTION ESSAY Authors read:Kate ChopinThe StormE.B. WhiteOnce More to the LakeAnn HodgmanNo Wonder They Call Me a Bitch Assignment:Select one author and discuss the elements of style and structure as they relate to his/her purpose. Structure:Use the following paragraph order and content: Introduction (1 paragraph)Author and titleSubject matter of authors essayPurpose of authors essayYour papers … Read more

Probiotics: myth or miracle?

In this discussion, we will test Achenbachs hypotheses by collecting our own data on why some people believe that probiotics, as incorporated into our food or sold as supplements, are an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Next: Conduct a poll of your family, friends, and/or co-workers (try to interview at least 3 people who … Read more

Critical thinking/Discussion

“The Military Has a Man Problem”n “The Military Has a Man Problem,” (page 27) Helen Benedict examines the U.S. military and identifies what she sees as a problem. Part of critical reading, particularly of argument, is understanding why the writer has made the choices that they have. We can expect that the writers we will … Read more

Kafka The Trial

I just need one paragraph. It is an introductory paragraph to an essay comparing The Trial to the screenshots provided. Please follow guidelines below. Must have read Kafka The Trial. Write a thesis sentence that argues that one author uses a literary device better than another to help us understand a theme (related to law, … Read more

Covid-19 pandemic practices

Using 3 of the texts assigned 1)”Introduction for the Student New to College: Access and Agency from a textbook. PDF”, 2)”Self-Authorship by Marcia B. Baxter Magolda”. 3)”Who Are You and What Are You Doing Here Word to the Incoming Class” .. Extra resources you can use is “Deliberative Dialogue and the Development of Democratic Dispositions … Read more