Cause/Effect on any topic

Cause/Effect Essay 15% of Final Grade -APA format is required. -An APA title page must be included. -All papers should use size 12 Times New Roman font -All papers must include at least three resources that are cited with in-text citations and a References page -At least two resources must be accessed through a research … Read more

Cause/Effect on any topic

Cause/Effect Essay 15% of Final Grade -APA format is required. -An APA title page must be included. -All papers should use size 12 Times New Roman font -All papers must include at least three resources that are cited with in-text citations and a References page -At least two resources must be accessed through a research … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis

Homework:Here’s an argument. Analyze two Rhetorical Strategies from the argument and decide if the Rhetorical Strategies made the Main Claim more or less effective. Once you’ve chosen your Rhetorical Strategies, make sure to go back, review what was said about them, and analyze them as either achieving or failing to achieve their goals. Did they … Read more

1) What type of animal makes the best household pet? Why? 2) Is taking college classes online better than face-to-face classes? Why? 3) What is the best genre of music? Why? 4) Are professional sports more enjoyable to watch on TV (virtually) or in perso

Please make sure you’ve reviewed the Week 1 Notes Powerpoint before beginning this assignment. This assignment must be typed in Word using MLA format. You may use first person, but avoid overuse of “I” statements. The minimum length for this essay is 1 page.The Writing Task:  It is important to have a comfort level with … Read more

Health and Wellness Project

IntroductionGain Knowledge from, organize, integrate and evaluate previously published material.This project is designed to research health issues, nutritions issues, exercise habits, cultures effecting health and wellbeing, economic states, etc…of a specific group of people. You as a student should learn to work as a group to accomplish and achieve success at a projectThe Assignment Students … Read more

Discussion Posts

THESE ARE TWO SEPARATE DISCUSSION POSTS. EACH POST REQUIRES ITS OWN SOURCES AND ANSWER. PLEASE SEPARATE THE SOURCES AND ANSWERS FOR EACH COURSE (HISTORY AND NURSING). HISTORYIntroductionThe Cold War ended over a decade before the 21st century began. What was supposed to be a “Brave New World” free of the threat of nuclear conflict and … Read more

Respond to the following question in a paragrpah form: you need to at least write 10 sentences. The purpose of this task is to get an idea with regard to your writing skills and language issues you may have. What do you know about the essay and essay wr

Respond to the following question in a paragrpah form: you need to at least write 10 sentences. The purpose of this task is to get an idea with regard to your writing skills and language issues you may have. What do you know about the essay and essay writing and the writing process? Warning: I … Read more

It Is Dangerous to Allow Every Citizen to Own a Gun?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more