Social Media In the Workplace-PowerPoint Presentation

Hello…Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12 slides including a  1. Title Slide  2.  Agenda Slide  3.  Body Content Slides  4.  Conclusion Slide  5.  Reference (sources) slideA.  Address some aspect of social media use in the workplace.  See example.  B.  Open with an introduction that identifies a relevant social media aspect and provides context aligned to … Read more

Reflection paper

IPE Reflection Questions:1. Summarize the role/responsibilities and scope of practice of various health care professionals.2. Describe how and why do healthcare professionals work together.3. What are the advantages of interprofessional collaborations?4. How will you incorporate inter professional collaborations in your current and future practice (IPPE, APPE, volunteer activities, current pharmacy employment)?

Being A Medical Worker During The Pandemic

Instructions for professorThe research essay will most likely look like a persuasive essay. The essay should contain all elements of a well written introduction (hook, introduction of topic, thesis statement), a minimum of three supporting (body) paragraphs (topic sentences, supporting sentences which include supporting research properly cited, transitions, and concluding sentences), a concluding paragraph that … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reading the first section of Monkey Beach, respond to the following:Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far. How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to page 73? What themes do you see emerging? Discuss.How do you relate to the character of Lisamarie? … Read more

English Case Study.

After reading the first section of Monkey Beach, respond to the following:Pick your favourite passage from what you have read so far. How does the passage you have chosen relate to the plot of the novel up to page 73? What themes do you see emerging? Discuss.How do you relate to the character of Lisamarie? … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a report on a built architectural project that you understand to have made a particularly positive social impact. Research and explain the professional issues regarding the project. Who was the client? What professionals were involved? How was it constructed? How was the money raised? Why was it beneficial? This could be a project that … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go through Chapter 7 (A Comparative Analysis of Tools andTechnologies for Policy Making) in above text book and answer following questions: 1.Provide a very brief overview of what you think are the key points (a literature review).2.What about the policy area interests you?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go through Chapter 7 (A Comparative Analysis of Tools andTechnologies for Policy Making) in above text book and answer following questions: 1.Provide a very brief overview of what you think are the key points (a literature review).2.What about the policy area interests you?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Go through Chapter 7 (A Comparative Analysis of Tools andTechnologies for Policy Making) in above text book and answer following questions: 1.Provide a very brief overview of what you think are the key points (a literature review).2.What about the policy area interests you?

The impact of covid 19 pandemic on vegetables crop production in the Tamale’s metropolis

Research Objectives1. To find out levels of vegetable production in the Tamale Metropolis in the past five years (20172021). 2. To determine the impact of COVID-19 on the production of vegetables in the Metropolis. 3. To identify strategies farmers have adopted to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on vegetable production in the Metropolis.4. To recommend … Read more