Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of this assignment is to assess one struggling reader. I have attached a sample data form for you to follow as an outline. The assessment (Test 6) is also attached. Although you don’t have an actual student to administer the test to, the data must reflect as if you have assessed a struggling … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1 You will identify a problem in Nursing or At Arizona College with the intentions of offering a solution to the problem! (your first page of content should identify the problem in very specific details, making sure you also identify the people who are affected by the problem)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1 You will identify a problem in Nursing or At Arizona College with the intentions of offering a solution to the problem! (your first page of content should identify the problem in very specific details, making sure you also identify the people who are affected by the problem)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1 You will identify a problem in Nursing or At Arizona College with the intentions of offering a solution to the problem! (your first page of content should identify the problem in very specific details, making sure you also identify the people who are affected by the problem)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1 You will identify a problem in Nursing or At Arizona College with the intentions of offering a solution to the problem! (your first page of content should identify the problem in very specific details, making sure you also identify the people who are affected by the problem)


you will begin the writing process by making an outline; later on in the module, you’ll build on this outline to draft a paragraph. The goal of this activity is to practice the writing process–and specifically to practice joining a scholarly conversation in your writing. This practice is designed to prepare you for capstone assignment … Read more


this is for the reading of: 1984 Introduction Written in the aftermath of World War II, amidst the invasion of technology into all aspects of human existence, George Orwells 1984 sounds the alarm against the dangers of totalitarianism and constant surveillance. The dystopian novel explores the psychological landscape of power, and how language can be … Read more

Computer Graphics

Provided guidance in methods for remaining current in your field or profession, such as joining professional organizations or networking. Do some additional research, focusing on your field of interest, and create a brief document of between 400 and 600 words (approximately 1-1/2 to 2 pages long) discussing specific ways that you could keep up with … Read more

English Enc1105

Read Learning to be Gendered beginning on p.15 Behind the final essay by developing an argument in response to Eckert and Ginets assertion that Being a girl or being a boy is not stable state but an ongoing accomplishment, something that is actively done both by the individual and by those in the various communities … Read more