Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essay 1 Length: 3+ pagesFormat: MLA From Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941)( This film is available on SWANK, one of the BMCC Library video databases.)  select one scene or sequence for detailed, in-depth analysis. Alternatively, you can select one cinematic technique and discuss how this technique is being used throughout the film. The assignment is to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Cinematic Technique Study Guide Discuss 5 (FIVE) of the following cinematic techniques:(Any five) Long takeGraphic matchMise en scneVisual metaphorMontageSplit-ScreenRack FocusCircular Pan ShotSuperimposition For every term you discuss,(a) Define the technique(b) Provide (create) YOUR OWN example of how this technique can be used in film. In other words, if you were working on a film, … Read more

Electric Vehicle

Select a technology ( Electric Vehicle) that is robust enough to meet all of the criteria for the final report. After you have identified your tool, you will provide the following in a discussion memo (between 250 and 300 words) and post the memo to the discussion area.The tool or technology.Your hypothetical organization.Your hypothetical organizations … Read more

Professional Experience: Presentation Summary

Hello…Create a two-slide PowerPoint deck in which you summarize an instructional internet resource on preparing an effective PowerPoint presentation.  Locate an article, video, or other resource that explains how to make a PowerPoint presentation or discusses slide design.  A. Give your presentation a title on Slide 1.    B. On slide 2, write a brief … Read more

Virtual reality

Requirements for this assignment: Introductory paragraph that describes which topic you have selected and whyMinimum of Five (5) reputable sourcesEach annotation should describe and evaluate the source (article) in 3-10 sentences, using proper English, grammar, and punctuationAnnotation must include information that ties it to your goals (see below)Each source should be located using library databases, … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a short essay in which you respond to the following question cluster:Imagine you are a time-travelling journalist who has transported yourself back to ancientMesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, or Phoenicia to research a story. Where (and when!) wouldyou go? (For exampleSumer during the Akkadian Empire period, a small Egyptianvillage during the Middle Kingdom period, Jerusalem in … Read more

critically analyse how the concept of “kenosis” manifests through Briony in the novel, Atonement. Provide a title for your essay.

I need the write to keep in mind how Briony is an egocentric young girl that is incapable of imagining what it feels like to be someone else. Her signing up as a trainee nurse shows her willingness to relinquish herself and see “the other” as equally important as she is.  Please make reference to … Read more

Dreaming essay – WM

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more