Wage Inequality

Hi, Hope all is well… I have the next assignment….here instructions from the professor…”This is a reminder that a very rough draft of your research paper is due this Sunday, July 11, by 11:59 PM. It should be about a social issue, be at least 5 pages, and have at least 3 JSTOR sources. Your … Read more

Social issues

Your assignment is to write an essay which (1) examines a social, political, or cultural hot topic, identifies and explains the problem, (2) explores multiple credible perspectives, and (3) ultimately proposes a solution (or at least steps toward a solution). 1. First, you will capture the readers attention in an academically sophisticated manner. Then, you … Read more

Written Assignment 3

We have discussed numerous topics in the first 6 weeks of class that apply to the fire service. Some of you are officers and many aspiring to be an officer in the fire service one day. Have any of these topics thus far changed the way you will operate? Please review this video link provided … Read more

Comparative Textual Analysis of Disciplines

Assignment:This assignment will include three articles, each from a different discipline. You will read all three articles and determine which article belongs to the humanities, social sciences, or naturalsciences. You will then produce a two page essay wherein you discuss and compare the language, style, and format for each article.Consider the following questions: Minus journal … Read more

Against standardized testing essay – W

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

American dream essay – W

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

Discussion Board Week 1-2

Each week, I will post a set of questions for the discussion board. Respond to ONE of my questions (an original response) and then respond to TWO of your classmates’ responses (within your section). This means you will write a total of THREE short responses each week (100-150 words, short responses and over-casual responses will … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

. Paragraphs should be 5-8 sentences long or 3/4-1 page long. You must include at least one quote in each body paragraph (quotes are not needed in intro and conclusion paragraphs), and, in the entire paper, at least two quotes from each text. Include a Works Cited list at the end of your essay (I … Read more


Euthanasia is inhuman Or Based on the concept of euthanasia, discuss the ethical boundaries that are crossed when a patients life is taken for one reason or the other. Use the given guidelines Make your thesis statement. Introductory Paragraph — Grab the readers attention by using a hook. Give an overview of the argument.  Close … Read more