Read Identify  the concerns that the writer of both documents has in regards to these  “single stories” as Chimamanda  Ngozi Adichie describes it. for more context.  Have you encountered these single stories? Did/do you have them? Feel free to also refer to the photoessays as well. 

Explain common organizational frameworks (comparative advantages, criteria satisfaction, refutative, and statement of reasons) for speeches to convince.

Essay Writing Final on Public Speaking    Give it a title! c. Write a well-developed, unified, and coherent critical essay containing at least two full pages.  Keep in mind the academic conventions of essay writing: a. Introduction: Creates a background, and then presents the related thesis statement containing your topics specific points (to be developed … Read more

research assignment

  Choose a topic that you are interested in learning about. What subject inspires your curiosity? Narrow the topic and develop a working thesis. Based on the topic and your thesis statement, write a paragraph in which you discuss possible areas for exploration and 2 questions you would like to answer in an imaginary research … Read more

Final paper

  Option 1Curate a Virtual Exhibition about the active role of visual culture on .  If you could bring together any particular works from this class or that you feel are closely related to the themes we have worked on, what would you present to the public?  Your exhibition should feature several rooms and you … Read more

Assignment 6

Compare the music of Sub Saharan Africa and the Classical music of India.  What are the components of each that make each genre unique?  What are the components that make them similar.

research assignment

  Choose a topic that you are interested in learning about. What subject inspires your curiosity? Narrow the topic and develop a working thesis. Based on the topic and your thesis statement, write a paragraph in which you discuss possible areas for exploration and 2 questions you would like to answer in an imaginary research … Read more

research assignment

  Choose a topic that you are interested in learning about. What subject inspires your curiosity? Narrow the topic and develop a working thesis. Based on the topic and your thesis statement, write a paragraph in which you discuss possible areas for exploration and 2 questions you would like to answer in an imaginary research … Read more

Performing the SOUND of Protest: Jimi Hendrix’s Star Spangled Banner

1. Short Paragraph 1: Describe your evidence. (150-200 words) As an analytic writer, remember that detail/description is a separate move from interpretation/analysis! When describing your evidence stick to in-depth description and avoid interpretations/opinions/judgements. Experiment and get poetic with how you describe your evidence to a reader who might not know who Jimi Hendrix is, what the Star Spangled Banner is, … Read more


Please write me a paragraph or two explaining how the reading and writing process went for you on this essay. How was the reading? How much time did it take to complete? Was there any information in the chapters that you didn’t understand? What did you find the most interesting about Steele’s book?  How did … Read more

video reflection

ideo Watching Assignment:  What did you notice about the teacher’s interactions with the students?  What did you notice about the student’s ideas? What do you want to take with you into teaching?