4 essay Questions

1- Throughout the course distinctions have been made as to the difference between human smuggling versus human trafficking. Present how each of these are commonly defined by government and NGOs. Then, critically examine these definitions as to whether they are really different or whether they are all part of the same transnational crime phenomenon. What … Read more

theatre Unit 4 Project

Unit 4 Project Rationale: Unit 4 is all about how theatre varies, different theatre voices (specifically marginalized voices) and theatre for social justice. We will be exploring how these pieces of theatre to come about through a personal lens. Project: You will be selecting a news article (current) to be the source research and jumping … Read more

Management unit 7 discusssion

Read   Define demeanor and relate this to the Chapter 12 reading. What can cause changes in the demeanor of the citizen and the police officer during an encounter? What can influence decisions made by the actors?


   ECON 4020 Money and Financial Institutions Extra Credit Bonus Opportunity Please write a very brief summary of what you learned in each chapter in this course and how it is applicable in real life. Write at least three major things you learned in each chapter and at least one thing in each chapter that … Read more

700 word assignment

Introduction Begin RR 4 with an introductory paragraph that briefly summarizes the readings, as well as grabs your audiences attention, and establishes a thesis statement related to Alfonso III & Slaughters articles. The summarizing sentences within your opening paragraph should introduce the authors, titles, authors thesis, and possibly other key points if directly connected to … Read more


After you complete the meditation, take a few minutes to post how it went. Share all of it–good or bad. How much did your mind wander? Were you able to settle your breathing/body? You can also include any other mental or physical blocks or successes you experienced. Reach out to a few classmates with questions … Read more

Case study

Read the attached case file and write a case analysis on it Follow the outline and guidelines followed below for the format. Please label each section. Maximum three pages. Follow current APA style. a) Overview of major issues,  b) Applications of key themes from the textbook into the case,  c)Your analysis, including assumptions (if needed)  … Read more

English essay

For this paper, you will be expected to plan and write a response to one of the readings from this module using one of the prompts below. Important note: for this assignment you will practice using and citing sources.  Therefore you will be required to have at least three cited sources in your paper and … Read more


Although dropout rates among undergraduate college students in the United States have slightly decreased over time, the overall dropout rate remains high, at 40 percent  ( 2020). There are a number of factors that may contribute to this elevated rate.  After conducting research and careful planning, write a well-developed, unified, and coherent five-paragraph essay describing … Read more