CGS summary essay

As promised, here is the rubric that I will be using for grading your Executive Summary , you can review the files you sent (check the sent folder in your email client) and make any corrections and be ready to upload it in BB on Thursday (come to class with the file ready to upload … Read more

art journal

A. Objectives: The art historical canon privileges the Western perspective and is incomplete. Most of what we study in this chapter is based on Western art (Europe and North America). It tends to leave out artists and voices from other regions we’ve studied (Middle-east, Africa, South America, Oceania, Asia, Australia, and indigenous, non-white, non-CIS-gender populations). … Read more


  It’s difficult to have a discussion about Privacy without bringing up Edward Snowden in current day. This is why we are watching a more recent interview with Mr. Snowden (2019). Watch the clip on YouTube from MSNBC: There are a lot of issues that are discussed in the video, but I think there are … Read more


  1. Discuss the benefits and barriers YOU have experienced when it comes to e-health. Please compare and contrast your experiences to that of what we have discussed in class.  2. Discuss the current health apps (that you feel comfortable discussing) you have on your phone. Specifically, the benefits and barriers to the apps you … Read more


Respond to each of the items below. Be precise, thorough, and accurate with the information. Each item is 5 pts. The submission should make evident a thorough understanding of material articulated at a graduate level. Each question should be answered thoroughly at least paragraph long. If sport related use college track as an example if need … Read more


  Writing Assignment: Critical Review of “World Music” Essay  Choose from Topic A.  Suggested length: 3 pages or 600 words and a reference page.  Final Paper Due  Topic A:  A defining feature of “world music,” “world beat,” or “ethno-pop,” as it has variously been called, is the production of recordings by well-known American and European … Read more


Write Like a Modernist For this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding modernist poetry by rewriting a Romantic era poem in a way that incorporates modernist qualities in terms of language, style, literary elements, and themes.  Heres a step-by-step (complete all 3 steps)  explanation of the assignment:

Interesting life of a firefighter

Context | In this assignment, you will be asked to create your own piece of literature and support that piece of writing with a reflection on your creative process.  Short Fiction/Drama  Word Count: 400-500  + 200-250 Word Reflection  Specifically, I would like you to explore your creative interests by composing a piece of short fiction, … Read more

Research Paper on Spunk- Zora Neale Hurston (How Hurston uses language to create the tone of the story?)

Task |In this writing assignment, your task is to: Identify an interesting literary subject or topic you are asked to use the course textbook and our live sessions for inspiration; your topic must be a figure, work, or other literature-themed subject from our textbook. Compose a research question according to specific parameters. List three scholarly … Read more

Paper 2: Cross-Cultural Interview

 This assignment compliments the self-analysis essay. Please interview a person that is of a different cultural background than yourself. Focus on examining how this person’s culture influenced their communication style, and how this contrasts with your own. Upon completion of the interview, a 4-5 page reflection should be written mirroring some of the same topics … Read more