Everyday Use

This week begins with the thought-provoking Alice Walker classic “Everyday Use”.   What do the quilts symbolize to the narrator and her daughter, Maggie? What is the importance of the TV-show dream?  What characteristics does Dee possess that show how unethical modernity can be?

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

We are wrapping up the week with the incomparable Ambrose Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”.  * Did the ending surprise you? Why or why not? * Is Bierce commenting on military law? * How should civilians who participate in war be treated: like civilians or soldiers?

Policy Analysis Draft 2:

For your second draft, you need to edit and revise your first draft, which is on the file attached that is including correcting grammatical errors highlighted by turnitin ETS grader.  You have to add another 5 to 6 pages to the previous draft assignment which is also on the attachments. The paper is on medical … Read more

Fusco & Pea in The Couple in the Cage

FOLLOW Steps 1-4 below.POST your written response and one critical question. read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couple_in_The_Cage:_Two_Undiscovered_Amerindians_Visit_the_West watch: https://sites.dlib.nyu.edu/hidvl/h44j100k 1. Describe in Detail (300 words). Study your notes from your performance noticing practice. Think of your notes as an informal collection of evidence from your experience of the performance. Select which pieces of evidence are most intriguing to you, which help offer … Read more

Performance Noticing: Couple in the Cage

For this initial performance noticing assignment, take in Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gomez-Pea’s performance The Couple in the Cage as a full-body sensory experience. Use your own note-taking system to record your observations and experience of the performance event. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilYD5ooLhsA UPLOAD a file, photo or other recorded documentation of your … Read more

RELIGION is the subject of essay

Please upload at least 3 full and formatted essay pages (about 1,100 words) addressing your argument and supporting details only, including Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs.  Prompt — Write an argumentative essay about a controversial topic. At least 5 outside sources needed for the Works Cited page (at least 2 sources must support your position, at … Read more


Please explain the following: Why you want to enroll in the Georgetown MSF Program? Why do you want to attend Georgetown University? Why should the Admissions Committee accept you? What are your career aspirations and expectations upon receiving your MSF degree? Essay should be single-spaced using 12 point font. Essay may be up to two … Read more


watch the video on a South African restaurant from the link below and discuss how value is being created at the restaurant. Also, what more can be done to create value. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-45590633 post should be at least 200 words with at least 2 academic sources


TEXAS is my state  History is everywhere. Throughout the course I want you to explore local history beyond the classroom by taking three (3) photographs  and write a paragraph about them addressing the points below. You should explain what you are photographing, a little bit of its history, and then connect it to something you have learned … Read more