Composition Exercise

Watch the video 10 Secrets to Achieve Financial Success on YouTube.  I suggest you watch the interview at least a couple of times before you write your response.  We always miss important and interesting details when we read, watch or listen to something only once. This is an interview with trading educator Anton Kriel. Also … Read more

Intelligence Report FINAL

This is the final paper on regards to the draft that is the file attached on the assignment Intelligence Report AssignmentThe intelligence report requires analytical thinking and avoids reportorial content. This type of report presents concise and direct explanation of events, interpretations of the events significance, forward-thinking recommendations, and the implications of events and actions. … Read more


Television continues to remain a viable source of entertainment,  both on traditional cable channels and online streaming services. However, an issue that is continuously addressed is diversity. While more diverse shows are appearing in part as a result of more platforms and channels than ever before, we continue to see some shows fumble and cause … Read more


  This assignment is a Reflection Paper that asks you to articulate your position on the role of music in various martial contexts. You should think critically about what role music/sound should play in these scenarios, how this role may change based on the context in which LRADs or other amplified music is used and … Read more

Analysis essay

Okay, I want a 5-page essay Due by 12:00pm TOMORROW  SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY. THE RUBRIC IS IN THE FILE FOLLOW IT DOWN.  DO THE ABSOLUTE BEST THAT YOU CAN AND I WILL PAY 20$  * Write about Grey’s Anatomy, Focus mostly on Meredith’s life and her story.  include where you got the information and please … Read more

Mateo Falcone

Again, a powerful short story that you will never forget.  This time we will read about Corsican culture in the early 19th century.  Corsica is an island in the Mediiterranean Sea, an island controlled by France.  It is located just north of Sardenia, west of Italy and south of France.  It is a picturesque and … Read more

Neural Memorandum

 Choose one of the three prompts to create a Neutral Memorandum.  You have one full page to compose your document. Remember to use ABC format. Title your major sections (ABC) according to what those sections will cover, and remember to title the subsections of your body according to the information those subsections will cover. Titles … Read more


The Literature Response Essay requires you to read the attached “How Words Matter” and then select one significant word of your own, write a short essay modeled on those in How Words Matter, and relate your word and university experience to a work of one of the artists we studied in this course.  Instructions and … Read more

Research question

   3. Imagine that you were a teacher in the Stanley Milgram Disobedience study and answer the following questions:  a. As a teacher, does this mean you are a research participant or a confederate? Please explain your choice. b. How might whether you are an authoritarian or a libertarian (two related stable personality traits) relate … Read more

dis 1 compensation

 Select three distinct jobs of your choice.  Go to the .  Review the major tasks for each job. Then, for each job, identify what you believe is the most appropriate performance appraisal method. Discuss the rationale for each choice.