Write an article

  Write a short article discussing a problem in society that you are concerned about..  * It should be approximately a page and a half, maximum of 2 pages, double spaced, 12pt font size. *It should be uploaded to blackboard in PDF format, nothing else will be accepted. *You are to state the problem, break … Read more

discussion 2 art

 Comment on the Restoration controversy using da Vincis Last Supper and Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Ceiling. After restoration, whose work is it? Is the work repaired or damaged? Should works be left to age naturally or should restorers intercede? 


Each student will submit a 2 page document Reflect how you consider analysis/assessment should be a part of your profession. Must provide at least three professional articles/publications that supports your position on analysis/assessment inclusion within your daily profession responsibilities. Chapters 1-2. 50 points   25points – through description of experience  15 points discussion organization; non grammatical … Read more

World Civilization

  What is the mercantilist economic theory?  Explain what mercantilists understood as wealth.  What are the implications for this perception of wealth when it comes to things like trade, and the acquisition of goods for trade?  From the two short reading excerpts provided in module 9, explain the economic justifications provided by the pro-slavery lobby … Read more

African American Literature

Respond to at least (three) of the following six prompts. Be sure to use details and examples directly from the readings, lecture materials, class discussions, etc. to support your statements. Your responses should be numbered and should include the question. Be detailed and specific in your responses; get right to the point and do not … Read more

short answer question

Task: Compare Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, New Zealand, the United States, and Turkey in terms of how easily contracts are enforced, how property can be registered, and how investors can be protected. Identify in which area you see the greatest variation from one country to the next. Refer to the website, . Choose the countries listed above … Read more


Explain what plagiarism is  2. Explain how to avoid it 3. Explain which of the information in the week 6 module was most useful to you and how you will use it when proofreading your essays for this class. 4. Proofread your Writing Process Essay for ethical use of sources and in-text citations. Did you … Read more

W3: Human Resources (Recruitment & Training)

  1. Discuss some of the legislative actions that have impacted law enforcement recruitment and hiring. 2. Recruitment is an issue in law enforcement. How can law enforcement leaders improve recruitment? 2. Compare and contrast the two basic recruit training methodologies, the academic model used by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the paramilitary model used in most police … Read more

Read the article attached and write a detailed summary of 1700 words plus answer the questions listed.

1. Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS article. . 2. Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail     For EACH Critical Issue please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs . 3. Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and … Read more


giving  HELPFUL feedback with specific sentences or paragraphs that need attention 1. Mirror Mirror On The Wall Im too skinny. Im too fat. My hips aren’t as big as I want. I’m too tall. These are typical thoughts that race through the minds of some women. Society has made women believe the idea that there … Read more