Complete this essay

this should be turned into a complete essay/article and add at least 100 more words with cited evidence  My article of decision as per my theme is Web-based media’s commitment to political misperceptions in U.S. Official races. The article was distributed by Plos one diaries.  Reason: The motivation behind this article is to educate how … Read more

Whatching a film and respond (250words)

Have you ever watched a desktop documentary before? if so, which one (and feel free to share a link in your post)?  In the review of Lee’s desktop film, Transformers: The Pre-make, Steven Boone writes “Without voiceover narration, the barbed satire in Lee’s “voice” is all in the choice and timing of his juxtapositions, and … Read more

Mid term assignment for English

You can answer either Question 1 or Question 2. A sample answer has been provided at the end of the paper. Please answer only ONE question.  How do the stories of Gilgamesh and Oedipus help us understand the connections between character and destiny? How do the conclusions of the plots reflect on their character? [Key … Read more

Select 1 existing or defunct magazine or newspaper, and research its history.

 Select 1 existing or defunct magazine or newspaper, and research its history. Create a timeline for your selected magazine or newspaper, and include its: First publication date and founder First publication location History and its contributions to American culture Write a brief summary about your selected publication that answers the following questions: Who was the … Read more

American Dream

Does the American Dream still exist is debated by Bob Herbert , Hiding from Reality and Cal Thomas,  Is the American Dream Over (Copy of both articles is provided on Files section of canvas as American dream and Calpage 1 and 2). Analyze both writers positions and form an opinion of your own regarding the … Read more

Case Brief

Procedure Case briefing is important to virtually every legal field. Youll brief the case found at Make sure to follow the case briefing format found in the sample case briefing at. Writing Guidelines Prepare your answers in well-organized paragraphs. Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size  12. Use a standard document format … Read more

Revise my AFR Country Research essay

1. Basic information about your country of study: What is the name of the country you are researching? What was its name prior to colonial rule? What is the capital city of the country being researched? Did the capital city change its name after colonial rule? Briefly describe the country you are researching to indicate … Read more

SPC- M1:Discussion

Using Chapter 2 from the textbook as a basis, answer the following questions and use AT LEAST 2 TERMS FROM THE TEXTBOOK in your initial post. Make sure to CITE the textbook as a source. Based on what we see in the video, what first impression did the two people have of each other? What … Read more

analysis Wife of Bath articale

In a paper of no less than 800 words (about 3 full pages, double-spaced, 10 -12 point font), respond to one of the following prompts. My page limits are minimums not maximums so you can write more than 3 pages without any penalty. The topics below are pretty dense and it would not surprise me … Read more

2 page paper on hashtags upload

  Please research the following hashtags #’s #METOO #BLACKLIVESMATTER#CLIMATECHANGE #NOBANNOWALL #equality #intersectinality  #feminism #NOFlyList After researching the hashtags, In a 2-page paper, please describe how each of these social movements has dramatically impacted the United States of America.  Your paper should be double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman. It should be uploaded in the … Read more