
  Instructions Should public employees be required to take a leave of absence if they run for elective office? If elected, should they be required to resign or retire? Provide reasons to support your choice. references please


  First, please define the concept of Globalization. Then, provide a brief explanation of how globalization impacts disaster management in the United States. Second, please explain the roles of the United States, as well as the United Nations, in the response and recovery efforts of international disasters. Please include in-text citations, as well as a … Read more


  Write a Reflection Paper based on your study from Chapter 7. The Reflection Paper should include the following: Be at least 500 words Follow APA style format Include in-text reference citation and a References page in APA format Answer What one topic in this Module encourages you to utilize the module concepts or learn … Read more

what Do managers do article

   Article Assignment 2 (25 Points Total5% of Your Grade) Instructions Since the TAMUC library databases no longer permit you access to the particular journal that the following article is in, I have uploaded the article entitled What Managers Do? A Critical Review of the Evidence written by Colin P. Hales in 1986 under the … Read more

Why does Jonathan Franzen explore the difference of like vs. love by creating a mirror analogy to expose what he calls a magicians shtick [trick]

Why does Jonathan Franzen explore the difference of like vs. love by creating a mirror analogy to expose what he calls a magicians shtick [trick]: We like the mirror and the mirror likes us. To friend a person is merely to include the person in our private hall of flattering mirrors. My aim here is … Read more


I need an outline done which reflects my paper topic.  My topic is: ” Teachers’ perception of mental heath in the school system” I Will need a series of subtopics with information from articles which reflects my topic.  I need 8 sources, and it will have to be cited in APA format. and minimum of … Read more

Discussion 2

To receive the full scores (five points), you should (1) post your answer to the topic question with supporting details (four points), and (2) critically engage with other classmates (one point). The scores will be decided based on the quality of your arguments (relevancy, persuasiveness, and creativeness) and comments (relevancy and persuasiveness).  Prompt Should the … Read more


  Attached you will find the stories for this week: The Story of the 3 Bears and The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Below you will find the links for both stories.  ONLY WRITE THE ANSWERS

research paper

  Please choose one of the following topics and write a 500 word essay on it. You must use the MLA format and plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated. This paper is due by 02/14/2021 before 11:59 pm. MUSIC – Choose song, musical era, or a musical artist to write your paper on) ARCHITECTURE – Choose … Read more


Length: 2 pages. Format: MLA. Add a Works Cited section or page at the end. Use one primary source (the story) and one secondary source (about the story). Primary and secondary sources: In this essay, you will write about one of the stories we read and discussed in the class. Use only the fictional stories, … Read more