Essay 1

For this essay, keep in mind all of the rhetorical devices that you have learned from our assigned readings. For example, how do these authors create mental images in our minds that our so meaningful and impactful? Do they tell you their stories or do they show them. Do you feel as part of the … Read more

Students learning skills class

What surprised you the most about this course  one thing you learned that you didn’t know before. What is the most surprising item you found about your own learning skills how can the student learning skills concentration, time management goals setting  and learning styles help you suceed in your academics and your personal goals 

Red card

One page Essay Please follow instructions All great stories have great conflict. Dystopian stories do a great job at creating and executing conflict throughout the plot.   Write a page (double spaced) discussing how conflict is created, executed, and resolved (or unresolved) within that story.   You MUST include two direct examples (quotations) illustrating that conflict … Read more

Any Title

Essay-Follow instructions Writing Assignment: Students will write  a page (double-spaced) response to one of the following questions and use evidence to support their answers. 1. Limited freedom is a reoccurring theme that we see in this story. Describe three ways that the characters freedoms are limited in this short story. 2. All dystopian stories seek … Read more

The root of the black mans hatred is rage,

One half page only. Profound Misunderstanding on the Root of Hatred in America The root of the black mans hatred is rage, he does not so much as hate the white man as want them out of his way, and more than that out of his childrens way. The root of the white mans hatred … Read more

Interview questions response sheet

Answer the questions in the first document based on my Resume(the second document) Each answer should be a minimum of a paragraph long (4-5 sentences). Ensure to use examples where applicable, be specific, and relate a story that answers the underlying concern of the employer.


Keep in mind the conventions of essay writing: introduction with thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Write your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph(s). The thesis must address the topic you develop in your essay.     Who is a Public Speaker? Identify ethical responsibilities of Public Speakers.

Professional Networking”

   “Professional Networking” Discuss      three (3) reasons for utilizing professional networking during the      job-hunting process. Note: Some potential points to consider include:      developing a professional network, experiences you had presenting your      resume at a job fair, or interaction on professional networking websites      such as Linkedin. If you      do not have experience with professional networking, you … Read more

APA Essay w/ article

Please see attached.  2 pages APA format with cover page and reference page (article attached) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Center for Academic Success [CAS], APA resources, … Read more