Science Labs Answer questions based on arctcile

This worksheet will help you to summarize the most important information from a peer-reviewed journal article. The article will be provided to you by your instructor. You should summarize the information and put it into your own words do not use quotations or copy text directly from the article. It is recommend that you complete … Read more


 You will read “The GMO debate” — click on the attached link below, and then answer the question below: Discuss the two sides of this debate about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) by explaining two viewpoints of each side.  Link :

Answer all the question

The two basic aspects in an exposure assessment are fate and transport processes that are specific to the environment and chemical properties, and the behavioral aspects of the receptors (humans). Describe each of these and how they can impact the exposure assessment process. Give specific examples of each. Defining exposure for inhaled chemicals is complex. … Read more

fighting air and water pollution

 Conduct a case study on a location of your choice and identify sources of air or water pollution. Discuss any environmental laws the pollutants or polluters are violating. You will have the option to discuss a relevant factor in your location, such as environmental injustice, epigenetics, or sustainable development. This will be due at the … Read more

The IPAT model

 he IPAT model is a formula used to calculate the environmental impact on the environment caused by humans.  It is described as I = P x A x T.  The environmental impact is represented by the (I) in the equation.  There are three main factors that influence the impact, and those factors include the (PAT) … Read more

ecological footprint

 We all consume resources, but different behaviors can affect the environment to various extents.  Calculate your ecological footprint using the footprint calculator located in the Readings and Resources.  Once you have calculated your footprint, please share how many earths you would need to sustain your lifestyle.  Discuss which areas ranked the highest and reflect upon … Read more

assignment 4

In this assignment, you will open the link below and participate in a Click and Learn activity. You may begin by clicking on each impact topic in the left vertical menu. A description of mans influence or impact on each category is explained. Next, hover around on the diagram itself, and click to see … Read more

2. Create an informative pamphlet/brochure.

 My Disease name is Asthma Use the attached Disease Educational Brochure Template Be creative, make it fit. The template has blank space, your completed brochure will not. Do not use the pictures that are in the template.  Use the disease that you picked for your presentation and respond to the following 10 questions. Provide a … Read more

Create an informative pamphlet/brochure.

My Disease name is COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Use the attached Disease Educational Brochure Template Be creative, make it fit. The template has blank space, your completed brochure will not. Do not use the pictures that are in the template.  Use the disease that you picked for your presentation and respond to the following … Read more