
  watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of Waters Journey: Hidden Rivers of Florida.  In this video, you will discover the underground system of caves and tunnels and the journey of water beneath society on its way to springs.  Part1: Part2: Part3: Watch the video at the link above and then provide a review of … Read more

Earths Greatest Enemies?

Earth’s Greatest Enemies? Climatologist James Lovelock ( (originator of the Gaia_hypothesis ) once said that Earth’s greatest enemies were the Three C’s: cars, cows and chainsaws because of their contributions to destabilizing planetary climate. A. In this final Discussion Forum, you will answer the following question to show your ability to find connections among the environmental … Read more

Semester Project Presentation

  Please make a presentation using PowerPoint (again see the project instructions).  This presentation should include at least, but not limited to: an introduction, explanation of the environmental issue, opposing views on your topic, possible solutions, conclusion, questions for discussion, and references (especially if you are using pictures that are not your own).  Include on … Read more

assignmenr 3 EVR

In this assignment, you will explore the top predators effect in the ecosystem. Go to  to begin the interactive click and learn. Download the word document, answer all of the questions on the Sea Otter example, which begins in the introduction. Once you have completed all of this portion, choose 1 of the case studies.  Present … Read more


 For this simulated virtual lab you will not be actually completing the lab, but merely going through the motions while practicing manipulations of greenhouse gas concentrations and the units. Complete the attached worksheet following the directions on the worksheet. 

Climate Change

  Climate change has been heavily studied and reported in the media.  For this discussion each student should read the peer reviewed article below and also pick one or more news articles discussing the same topic.  After reading the articles address the questions below.  Everyone read the original peer reviewed article:  In addition choose one or … Read more


Initial Post (50pts) – Due Apr. 17 300 words or more Part I. Click on Background and read the page. In your initial post: 1. Briefly summarize (in your own words) what a food-based dietray guieline is and why we need them. Part II. Click back or the image of a house (to the left … Read more

Advanced Pollution Prevention

In Unit IV, we are taking a deeper dive into source reduction and recycling. Describe your source reduction and/or recycling efforts at home, at work, or in the military. Do you see areas for increasing these? Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For … Read more

Advanced Pollution Prevention

This unit has focused on pollution prevention (P2) strategies. The unit lesson presented examples of a company evaluating strategies for plastic bottle manufacturing and metal beam purchases. The textbook chapters offered source reduction options and introduced recycling methods. For this assignment, write an essay that meets the criteria outlined below. Analyze at least two of … Read more