
I have attached the chapter 5 and 6 below. Please include from that chapter. I need 2 separate thoughtful discussion. After reading Chapters 5 and 6 of Clearing the Air, please discuss your thoughts on finding the balance between reduced CO2 emissions and pollutants such as NOx and PMs.  What technologies do you think we … Read more


 After reading Chapters 5 and 6 of Clearing the Air, please discuss your thoughts on finding the balance between reduced CO2 emissions and pollutants such as NOx and PMs. What technologies do you think we should be improving, not just for individual vehicles, but also for major transportation/shipping industries. What options do you believe are … Read more

Advanced Pollution Prevention

In Unit III, we are learning about pollution prevention (P2) audits. Select a facility where, hypothetically, you would want to conduct a P2 audit (which could be your home, your work, a factory in your city, a manufacturing plant where you work, a retail store, military base, or other of your choosing). What made you … Read more

country Report

 Objective: To gain experience to analyze in depth a foreign country for business purposes  i choose Italy as a country , make a PowerPoint   use these links for information  https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/ https://tradingeconomics.com/countries https://globaledge.msu.edu/ https://www.worldbank.org/en/home


The topic of the term paper is: Pollution from printers. Here is the some related articles you can used. but you have to add more here at least 10 articles. Cruz Sanchez, F., Boudaoud, H., Hoppe, S., & Camargo, M. (2017). Polymer recycling in an open-source additive manufacturing context: Mechanical issues. Additive Manufacturing, 17, 87-105. … Read more


      Article   Criteria:  The article must be from a credible news   source. I highly recommend the Wall   Street Journal, as it is available to all COBI students online. Search COBI website for details or contact   UTDL. The article MUST be related to an INTERNATIONAL business topic. If you are unsure about an article, please   contact … Read more

Indoor air Quality in office spaces.

   Term Paper Guidance Objective: To develop and investigate an air quality-relevant scientific question and communicate your research in the form of a research paper.  Format Your paper should be 7-10 double-spaced pages (papers longer than 10 pages will not be accepted!).  References and figures are not part of the page count.  Use a 12-point … Read more

Unit 3 Discussion A: Everglades

  Visit, at minimum, the following websites for the Florida Everglades: After viewing the websites for the Florida Everglades, answer the questions below in your own words. It is unacceptable to copy and paste text from the site, and evidence of such will result in a zero for the assignment. Provide complete yet concise answer … Read more

Unit 8 Discussion: Urban Sprawl

Describe a city in the state of Georgia that has DECLINED in population. Make sure you name the city, describe it location in the state, and explain why its population has declined. Cite your references in or APA format. Now examine Atlanta whose population continues to grow and presents problems environmentally based upon its growth. Present … Read more

Environmental Health

   PAPER TOPIC: You may choose any biological, chemical or physical agent (physical agent being a source of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation) which presents an environmental hazard, directly or indirectly, to humans. You must describe what the agent is, the nature of the risk (e.g., exposure effects), how it moves through the environment before reaching … Read more