Biology 115 / Environment 115 Climate Change

For this first discussion assignment, find an environmentally related news or scientific article or one on a topic assigned by the instructor. The source material can vary from newspapers to magazines to journals and it must be current, published within the last month. If the article reports on specific studies, trace the information to the … Read more

Safety Engineering

1.  Discuss the interrelationship between safety managers and safety engineers. In your discussion, include the roles and responsibilities of each, and give at least two examples of when the two professions interact with each other.Your response must be at least 200 words in length. 2.  A manufacturing facility produces automotive components and expects a profit … Read more

Safety Engineering

This unit lesson focuses on evaluating residual risk.  Identify an ergonomic hazard with which you are familiar.  The hazard can be work-related or present within your home.  Discuss the level of risk you believe is associated with the hazard.  Also, discuss what can be (or has been) done to minimize or eliminate the risk.    ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO … Read more


In at least 250 words and three distinctive paragraphs, respond to the following: What steps have you put into place to ensure you turn in homework assignments on time? We all need a team to help us succeed, who is your support system at home and/or at work? How is your support system going to help you … Read more

Safety Engineering

Our unit lesson focuses on hazard controls for construction hazards.  The construction industry has some of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses. Discuss what factors you believe are most related to the higher rates.ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO ANOTHER STUDENTS COMMENT BELOW  Emily: I currently work in the construction industry, specifically in horizontal construction including building and … Read more

For this discussion, you will consider the use of mixed methods for the topic you have chosen for your Research Proposal.

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Hesse-Biber e-book, Mixed Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice, and the two required articles for this week. Mixed methods is a current popular methodology. While this type of methodology is useful for some studies, because of its dual nature as … Read more

Review of an Environmental Health Op-Ed

Find an Op-Ed on an environmental health topic published within the last five years. Review the assigned book for ideas on environmental health topics, if needed. Provide the link to the Op-Ed in your post. Find at least one original research article, systematic review, and/or meta-analysis in the peer-reviewed literature that either supports or refutes … Read more

Ensayo sobre el medio ambiente

Escribir un ensayo enfocndose en tres temas diferente relacionados con el control y manejo de recursos naturales teniendo en mente un objetivo y metas. 1.Impacto del COVID-19 al medio ambiente sobre el uso de guantes y mascarillas. 2.La alta tasa de desempleo (Recursos Naturales) a consecuencia del COVID-19. 3.Impacto al medio ambiente sobre el uso … Read more

question help

 Choose an operation for a workplace where you once worked or with which you are familiar where either chemical hazards or noise exposures were present. If you have never worked in a location where chemical hazards or noise are present, read about some examples on OSHAs website and choose one that interests you.           Summarize … Read more

powerpoint 10 slides

  In Units IV and VII, you explained a workstation and identified whether or not you thought it was ergonomically safe. For this assignment, imagine that you are an organizations safety professional and are explaining the issues you noted previously regarding the workstation. Additionally, you will include strategies for improving the safety of the employees, … Read more