Critical Reflection (Environmental Education) Breakdown of Marks (10 marks): 1. Summary (minimum one page) – 3 marks The summary section of your paper should cover at least 75% of the materials covere

Critical Reflection (Environmental Education) Breakdown of Marks (10 marks): 1. Summary (minimum one page) – 3 marks The summary section of your paper should cover at least 75% of the materials covered in class under the theme you select. Refer to the course outline for the four main themes; you can choose two of the … Read more

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg: The objective of this assignment is to 1) To understand the process and techniques involved in solid

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg:  The objective of this assignment is to  1) To understand the process and techniques involved in solid waste management at BRRMF.  2) To think critically on solid waste management at the individual/ household level and relate it to sustainability.  Assignment:  … Read more

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg: The objective of this assignment is to 1) To understand the process and techniques involved in sol

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg: The objective of this assignment is to 1)     To understand the process and techniques involved in solid waste management at BRRMF. 2)     To think critically on solid waste management at the individual/ household level and relate it to sustainability. Assignment: … Read more

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg: The objective of this assignment is to 1) To understand the process and techniques involved in sol

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg: The objective of this assignment is to 1)     To understand the process and techniques involved in solid waste management at BRRMF. 2)     To think critically on solid waste management at the individual/ household level and relate it to sustainability. Assignment: … Read more

NOT MAKING A VIDEO JUST MAKING THE SCRIPT FOR MY VIDEO WITH ALL THE INFORMATION INCLUDED ABOVE Purpose the purpose of this assignment is to select one major case in environmental justice/environmental

NOT MAKING A VIDEO JUST MAKING THE SCRIPT FOR MY VIDEO WITH ALL THE INFORMATION INCLUDED ABOVE Purpose the purpose of this assignment is to select one major case in environmental justice/environmental ethics and report on it using a video introduction and narrated presentation of case. Background There have been many cases highlighting environmental justice throughout … Read more

Ecosystem Management Plan (paper) Objective: The objective of this course is help students construct an Ecosystem Management Plan while critically analyzing all the important components of the plan. C

Ecosystem Management Plan (paper) Objective: The objective of this course is help students construct an Ecosystem Management Plan while critically analyzing all the important components of the plan. Choosing an Ecosystem: You can choose any ecosystem (within Manitoba or outside), however please ensure that the area is small so that it is manageable. Ensure that … Read more

Individual Written Assignment# 2 (ENVR /GEOG 4050) Introduction: Ecosystem based Management is an important approach when it comes to managing our environment. The principles of ecosystem based manage

Individual Written Assignment# 2 (ENVR /GEOG 4050) Introduction: Ecosystem based Management is an important approach when it comes to managing our environment. The principles of ecosystem based management helps to integrate different systems into environmental management making it a holistic approach. Aim: The aim of this assignment is to ·      Understand the basics of Ecosystem … Read more

In addition, each student is required to describe their findings in an essay. Within the essay, based on the observations recorded in the notebook each group is asked to discuss functional relationshi

In addition, each student is required to describe their findings in an essay. Within the essay, based on the observations recorded in the notebook each group is asked to discuss functional relationships among species and how these functional relationships fluctuate over time (e.g. seasonal impacts). Any information not derived from the field work must be … Read more

Please turn in your Application Assignment 3 here. You can find a description of the assignment, questions, and a rubric below. Here is a student example Download tudent example, another example Downl

Please turn in your Application Assignment 3 here. You can find a description of the assignment, questions, and a rubric below. Here is a student example Download tudent example, another example Download another exampleand you can find tips here Download you can find tips here. Understand these are just examples. You are not expected to use the same headers as the … Read more

Prokaryotic Cells and Eukaryotic Cells *Type your answer under each question and submit in Canvas and submit in Canvas by October 2@ 11:59 PM. 1. Think of an eukaryotic cell as a little city that

Prokaryotic Cells and Eukaryotic Cells  *Type your answer under each question and submit in Canvas and submit in Canvas by October 2@ 11:59 PM. 1.     Think of an eukaryotic cell as a little city that has organelles. Select three organelles and state the function of each organelle. Also, explain what would happen in the “city” if … Read more