Power point presentation

  PowerPoint presentation containing at least 10 slides. Imagine that you are presenting to an audience of high school students who are learning about environmental laws. Your presentation should address the need for water quality laws in your area and should describe water quality legislation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and Clean Water … Read more

Safety Engineering

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have just completed the quarterly inspections and have found hazards. Because your resources (both financial and human) are limited, you must complete a risk assessment to determine which hazards have a higher priority for mitigation. Use the quantitative risk assessment method outlined … Read more

4 questions

1.  Consider ergonomic hazards associated with the operation of pneumatic impact wrenches in a vehicle maintenance facility. What could you, as part of the ergonomics team, provide in the way of protection against the work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that might be associated with the use of such a tool? Include supporting evidence as part of … Read more

question help

  Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes. Metal FumeResultOSHA PELACGIH TLVAntimony0.05 mg/m0.5 mg/m0.5 mg/mBeryllium0.00001 mg/m0.0002 mg/m0.00005 mg/m (I)Cadmium0.025 mg/m0.005 mg/m0.01 mg/mChromium0.02 mg/m1 … Read more


While not a scientifically controversial issue, climate change caused primarily by human activities is a politically controversial issue. In this course you are learning the science behind climate change. With this knowledge you can help others understand the causes, symptoms, and impacts of climate change. With this knowledge, current and future generations can come up with … Read more

Ecological web

Instructions: Find an article or a web resource that discusses and illustrates an ecological web that includes a keystone species. Create your own version of the ecological diagram, showing the interrelationships between species. Be sure to cite your source of the material and include it with your submission. Include the following in your ecological diagram: … Read more

Vegetarian for a week

Have you realized that being a vegetarian may reduce your ecological footprint.  Weight the pros and cons of eating meat and dairy products. Be sure to include concepts such as the flow of energy, specifically concerning how energy is lost, and nutrient cycling, specifically how nutrients are recycled and the trophic pyramid. Discuss ways that … Read more

essay (500 words)

Select the topic and/or focus the topic for your Semester Project Provide tips to help you research such as choosing appropriate databases/websites and using search strategies for effective searching Assistance with and review of citations for the project

Solid Waste Management

This unit has presented fundamental principles of solid waste management, and it has discussed the regulatory environment related to solid waste management and the impact of solid waste on human populations. For this assignment, compose an essay that addresses the prompts below.  Characterize the components comprising solid waste.  Explain the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act’s … Read more