Public Safety Legal Issues and Policy.

 This weeks question is focusing on you identifying the conflict not analyzing what a conflict is. Here is the question again, From your experience in the field of public safety, classes you’ve had, or research you’ve done, discuss a conflict in public safety between disciplines or jurisdictions over authority.  Discuss how different different goals and/or … Read more

Interest groups

Interest Groups in Texas Assignment – Minimum Wage The United States has a minimum wage law prohibiting any employer from paying less than $7.25 per hour. Many states – and even some individual cities – have set local minimum wages higher than the federal level. Texas has declined, keeping our state’s minimum wage the same … Read more

Engagement – Civic and Citizen- Driven Public Policy

   Directions Unit 7: Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric: Why is civic responsibility important? What are the barriers to civic engagement? How can citizens overcome these barriers? Has the Internet and social media helped or hindered civic engagement?

Engagement – Civic and Citizen- Driven Public Policy

   Directions (U8): Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric: Select a specific example of public policy from one      of the following fields: Economic policy An example of economic policy is U.S. budget        deficit spending. Education policy An example of education policy … Read more

Engagement – Civic and Citizen- Driven Public Policy

   Directions (U9): Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric: Select a specific example of public policy from one      of the following fields: Economic policy An example of economic policy is U.S. budget        deficit spending. Education policy An example of education policy … Read more

American Government

   1. The President Article II of the Constitution established the institution of the presidency. Select any TWO Presidents prior to 1933 and any TWO Presidents since 1933 and for EACH one: a. Discuss any expressed power used by each president and the impact that decision had on American society at the time of its … Read more

American Government

 What makes a person liberal or conservative? First of all, what beliefs do liberals and conservatives hold? Second, to what extent do liberals and conservatives agree with one another over basic American values? What factors might explain why an individual is liberal or conservative? 

Professor Question, Civil Liberties due by tomrrow 11:59

   1.  When rights to safety and security seem to conflict with fundamental civil   liberties, how should we decide which to value more? 2.  Should elected officials do what the majority desires? Or should they do     what they think is best, even if it is highly unpopular? 3.  Should the time, place, and manner … Read more

Crane Case Study

The assignment instructions are attached in the pictures below. Links to the weeks readings are below as well. Please write 7 pages double spaced using APA format with at least 4 sources. Any additional links are provided below. Due date is 10 April. If anything additional is needed, please let me know. … Read more

Current Events Crane Incidents

The assignment instructions are attached in the pictures below. Please use APA format with at least 2 sources. Any additional links are provided below. Due date is 6 April. If anything additional is needed, please let me know. The accident to be reviewed: Use available OSHA and/or news sources to find an accident involving … Read more