Essay 2

A) What are the two most common ideological frameworks in the United States?  B) I want you to lay out your own ideology.  What issues do you care about and what should we be doing about them and why?  What political values most strongly influence your position on issues?  Discuss at least four issues that … Read more

Confined Spaces Writing Assignment

The assignment instructions are attached in the pictures below. 3-4 pages and please use APA format with at least 4 sources. Any additional links are provided below. Due date is 3 April. If anything additional is needed, please let me know.

Discussion question

  Various federal regulatory techniques have been utilized by the federal government to structure state and local operating routines and public policies. The use of the courts (especially the Supreme Court ) has usually provided sanctimony for the onward match of coercive or regulatory federalism. Discuss these statutory regulations utilized by federal governments. Make sure … Read more

Week Discussion Topic

 Because different disciplines in public safety have slightly different authority, missions, and goals, those disciplines will, at times, have conflicts.  Similarly, public safety entities from different levels of government will often have conflicts over jurisdiction.  From your experience in the field of public safety, classes you’ve had, or research you’ve done, discuss a conflict in … Read more

Assignment 1 Assignment

  This assignment is designed for you demonstrate your understanding of the legal framework in the United States and to apply what youve learned to a public safety scenario.  federalism Because administering public safety often depends on what public entity (federal, state, county, local) has authority to operate, explain the concept of federalism in the … Read more


 After reading this handout, please discuss the following questions:1. If one city spends more on police-protection services per capita than does another, one expects less crime in the first city than the second. True or False, or uncertain? Explain.2. At a public-budget hearing, a citizen once argued, “Education expenditures have increased 5 percent in each … Read more


 2) Using the Declaration of Independence as a model, write a break-up letter from Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin using the information about their relationship that you gained by watching Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith.  I expect you to have lots of details regarding their relationship in the letter.  Remember, like we … Read more


 4) A) What are the two most common ideological frameworks in the United States?  B) I want you to lay out your own ideology.  What issues do you care about and what should we be doing about them and why?  What political values most strongly influence your position on issues?  Discuss at least four issues … Read more


1) Is government necessary?  Defend your answer.  There are many forms of government we covered in class.  Which do you think gets things done the quickest?  The slowest? We talked about how fragile our rights are.  Its hard to amend the Constitution but easy to discount it.  Why is it so important for you to … Read more

Article Critique

For this assignment, read and reflect on the following article. Click the link. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ATTACHED FILE.