Movie Reveiw

Please watch the movie SICKO by Michael Moore and write an essay review of the movie. Please include what ethical principles were violated and how they were violated  by the individuals featured in the movie and what could be done to help the American healthcare system. Here is the movie’s  link

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyzing Descriptive StatisticsAs a practice scholar, you are searching for evidence to translate into practice. In your review of the evidence, you locate a quantitative descriptive research study as possible evidence to support a practice change. You notice the sample of this study includes 200 participants and is not normally distributed. Reflect upon this scenario … Read more


Identify the clinical problem in the workplace setting that will serve as the focus of your assignment. Make sure that the problem is one that would be under your complete control as a nurse Post your research question, and explain why you selected the question and how you developed it.


specific cancer pathology of your choosing Focus on the risk, diagnosis, types, stages, treatments, and results shown by statisticsInclude a helpful reference video (curated, not created by you) to strengthen your postProvide a robust discussion submission including all of the elements listed abovePLEASE PROVIDE VIDEO LINK

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed below. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals. The course is called health care informatics Here are the course goals:    Understand … Read more

Read a case and write about it

Review the ANA’s Fact Sheet: Navigating the World of Social MediaLinks to an external site..Review the NCSBN’s White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social MediaLinks to an external site..Select one of the scenarios from pages 4-7 in the NCSBN’s White Paper to focus on in this week’s assignment.Create a Microsoft Word document … Read more


Module 1 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis Journal Overview When you are faced with a medical case and do not know how to approach it or have questions, what do you do? Even experienced nurses, dentists, doctors, and pharmacists will go to their smartphones and begin searching for answers. So much information is available. How do … Read more

Hospitals see opportunity, risk in ambulatory surgery centers

Note: Beside the guidelines attached     Referencing Style Please use the following referencing style:For Journal Articles:    LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.    For Books:LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp. You can use … Read more

Billing, antitrust exemption changes upend negotiations between insurers and providers

Note: Beside the guidelines attached     Referencing Style Please use the following referencing style:For Journal Articles:    LN, FN, FN LN, and FN LN.  Year.  Title of Article, Journal Name (Month/date), Vol. No., pp.    For Books:LN, FN, and FN LN.  Year.  BOOK TITLE (All Caps), City & State/location of Publisher: Publisher Name, pp. You can use … Read more