
Scenario: The government has created a committee to investigate the potential of implanting a radio-frequency implantable device (RFID or commonly known as a chip) in every U.S. citizen OR on the use of the smart card (i.e. card that incorporates an individuals medical care record). In order to reduce the issues surrounding patient safety including … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete ALL THREE of the Professional Development exercises. 1.    Some institutions that require students to develop e-portfolios as a part of their program of          study also may use this evidence of student learning to evaluate the program quality or         generate evidence for accreditation reports. What do … Read more

Please read instructions.

Module 1 Discussion 1: Initial Observation Overview When you are given a medical case, what is the first thing that you do? You make an observation. Remember, the first step in pathophysiology is to make an observation of the changes in the tissues, and the general appearance or condition of the patient. This assignment will … Read more


Please respond to the discussion prompt. As an APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse), you have an interest in telehealth and feel that current healthcare delivery is influenced by technology, and you expect that to continue in the future. What specifics associated with telehealth care can support your plans to work in a rural clinic as … Read more


Please respond to the discussion prompt. As an APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse), you have an interest in telehealth and feel that current healthcare delivery is influenced by technology, and you expect that to continue in the future. What specifics associated with telehealth care can support your plans to work in a rural clinic as … Read more

Professional Traits in Healthcare

HS100-5: Define the professional traits and skills needed to be successful in the field of health science. PC 3.1: Conduct oneself to reflect the professional characteristics and culture of a given work setting. Instructions As you prepare to enter your profession, it is wise to have a clear picture of professional behaviors and expectations you … Read more

Week 6 Discussion 1 HSA 525

Ascertain the importance of strategic planning for an organization. Suggest one strategy to structure the strategic planning session for a midsize nonprofit health organization that is competing with several for-profit facilities in the area. Then determine your approach to communicate the mission, vision, and value statements for the strategic planning. Provide a rationale for your … Read more

Capstone Project

Using evidence based practice Write a 500-750 word description on the topic Supporting breastfeeding to promote healthy infants. Include the following: The problem or issue, intervention, quality initiative, educational need, or collaborative interprofessional team project that will be the focus of the change proposal.The setting or context in which the problem or issue, intervention, quality … Read more