Based on the research you completed in the previous slide, write a one-page summary (400 to 500 words) on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). You may respond to one or more of the following questions as you write your report. Why is HIPAA important to patients?How does HIPAA provide security?How does HIPAA … Read more


Objectives: These items must be coveredExplain what the modality is? How does the modality operate to perform its functions?List educational requirements and two schools that offer this program (in our area) and what their requirements are to apply.What is the job market like in the Houston area? What is the salary range for this modality … Read more

negligence in radiology

Cover Sheet (title, your name, class name, semester)o Introduction paragraph (state your topic and what the reader will obtain fromreading your paper)o Body (define/describe your topic, the importance of it, what it is used for,interesting information, etc.) o Summary (1-2 paragraphs) o Evidence of research At least 3 sources must be cited within your paper … Read more

Health Care Multicultural Set

The FIrst part 400 words” In your opinion, why is cultural competency as well as linguistic competency essential in multicultural health promotion and planning at the community, national, and global level, respectively? Use examples from the Module Readings (be sure to cite) and your own critical thinking skills as you develop your answer. Give a … Read more

Use of Research in Clinical Practice

For this Discussion, read the book chapter by Titler (2008) presented in this weeks resources that describes evidence-based practice and translational science, as well as the kind of research needed for both. Then, reflect on how the knowledge you gained about research will support your effort as a nursing professional to improve patient quality and … Read more

Reliability and Validity of Research Methodology

This week, you explore the different categories of quantitative research designs used in a clinical research studies. These include experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive and correlational designs. You will examine the basic characteristics of each design (e.g., causality, control, bias, validity, randomization, probability). You will also examine the basic features of the methods used to conduct most … Read more

assignment 1

Please read Chapter 22, Sections I and II. I have attached the reading.The assignment will be to brief the case Jacobson v. Massachussetts at page 1532. Document must be 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced, both margins justified. Please use the elements in this Case Brief Grading Rubric as your headings:  Element        … Read more