US history PPT project

 I’m doing “Environment Movement” and “Rise of internet in social media 2000 prenstial” Here is the requiments    Project Requirements:  1.  PowerPoint.  Each group will create a PowerPoint that presents THREE different social movements.  The presentation will be unique and original and will include photographs that represent the social movements.  You will also present the … Read more


   Presidents Power Point Project   Directions: For each presidents slide, you must explain each event/persona and have 1 pic for each event/person.  Slide 1 Richard Nixon 1. Henry Kissinger  2. Dtente  3. SALT II  4. Visit to China  5. Watergate  Slide 2 Gerald Ford  1. OPEC  2. Helsinki Accords  Slide 3 &4 Jimmy Carter … Read more

History NEED DONE IN 16 hours

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability: 1) Describe Native America societies prior to European contact.  What are some examples of how their civilizations varied by region across North and South America? 2) What was the Columbian Exchange?  Give at least 5 examples, (be specific with details).  What are some effects this … Read more

History 310

  You will write and submit an original essay (approximately 1,500  words) based on the Unit II materials assigned during weeks 10-16 of the course. Your essay is to be based on the following prompt: Our theme in Unit III has been “A Nation and its Discontents,” and as you studied the Civil War in … Read more

Better Cities

  Answer the following questions. If the answer isnt in the video or article, you should use your notes from class, including the lecture video, and outside sources, such as Wikipedia. Please cite all your sources using the citation method of your choice. I dont care which citation style you use, I just want to … Read more

History questions

Your subject question: How can the lessons learned from the U.S. Industrial Revolution help people adjust to workplace changes in the future? Based on your SUBJECT QUESTION use the following source: Robert McNamara. August 12, 2019. The Pullman Strike of 1894.  to answer the questions below: What is the title of your first secondary source? … Read more

xam 1

 1  World War I led to World War II that led to the Cold War, which led to the War on Terror. How is this statement true?Give specific examples. What can we learn from this? 2  Throughout the history of the United States, minorities have had their Civil Rights  impinged upon. Describe the efforts of … Read more


 1. Analyze events leading to U.S. involvement in WWII starting from the Japanese invasion of China in 1937 through the attack on Pearl Harbor. Include persons in the U.S. and Japan and why they were significant. 2.   Discuss the events of the General Election of 1948 including the candidates, political parties and platforms, the campaigning … Read more

Film Review

  Instructions The Extra Credit Film Review is your opportunity to earn extra credit by evaluating a feature film or documentary, applying ideas and information from class to popular media.  A good review must be written in a clear, concise narrative that is free of typographical errors, misspellings, and grammatical difficulties. When starting, it is useful to … Read more