Discussion Board

   Book: Jose Antonio Vargas, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen (Harper Collins, 2018) For Monday, please read at least to page 114.  For the first half, instead of giving you specific reading questions to think and write about, I have included some themes that run throughout the narrative. These are themes for you … Read more

M6 Assignment: Historical Research Paper Final Project

Instructions Your final historical research paper should include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, at least five paragraphs (probably more) that address topics that support your claims, and a strong conclusion that summarizes your argument. Attach your final bibliography (not annotated) at the end and include a cover page (in all formats) with your … Read more


Please go over today’s materials (three pdf documents in this email attachment) on Chinese American non-fiction narratives. Prepare a critical essay based on the readings of the four pieces of non-fiction writings in the Class Reader:In Kingston’s “No Name Woman” and “Grandfather of the Sierra Nevada Mountains,” What is Kingston views on Chinese family culture … Read more


 Roughly half of your  Discussion grade (40 points) comes from making an original thread post of at least 300-words. This post should feature your answer to the question(s). It should include at least a thesis statement, and two or three relevant pieces of evidence from the primary source documents to support to support your argument. … Read more

Successful End to Legal Segregation

 After World War II, African Americans in the South successfully ended legal segregation and restored their voting rights which had been largely lost since the end of Reconstruction.  What persons, organizations, events, and legislation led to these victories?  What in American society had changed, for example, economically, politically, and technologically that enabled the Civil Rights … Read more

History 1301

Name: [INSERT NAME HERE]  Response Assignment 20% of course grade  DIRECTIONS: This assignment is a response to Melton A. McLaurins Celia, A Slave. To complete this assignment, you must fully answer the below short-answer questions using specific details from the book. YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO USE THE BOOKANY USE OF OUTSIDE SOURCES (INCLUDING INTERNET … Read more

DQ 7

Although Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House in 1865, many believe that the Civil War has not truly ended. What are some issues that still divide the United States not just by North and South, but along other lines? What do you believe is the biggest issue dividing the people of the United States today? … Read more

Critical Essay African American studies

 Essay due May 7 @11pm (extended deadline). Please read the attached files carefully. The first file is a required scholarly reading on the violent conflict in Nigeria. Before writing your essay, you need to first do the reading, which will help you understand and analyze the essay task. The second file contains the specific essay … Read more

African American experience

Review a movie (historical feature or documentary) with attention to the historical evidence presented and its accuracy and effectiveness in presenting information about the past. Summarize the story that is told. Consider the motivations and affiliations of the producer, director, and screenwriter. Discuss how the topic is related to the events and movements weve discussed … Read more