American Government

Part 1:  The Bill of Rights: Explain why the Anti-federalists pushed for the Bill of Rights to be included in the US Constitution. What reasons did they cite as necessary in response to the desire of Federalists to create a strong central government? Next, explain some of the civil liberties that were included and established … Read more

Book test: Coming of Age in Mississippi

Question 1  Traditionally, history is presented from a top-down perspective. That is, we see history through the eyes of the victors – leaders, the famous, the wealthy, the movers and shakers, etc. However, Coming of Age presents history from the bottom-up — from the common mans point of view. Give three (3) differences between the two points-of-views … Read more

History 1301

   ZOOM Name: [INSERT NAME HERE] Podcast Response Assignment 10% of course grade  Podcasts can be an entertaining way to learn about history. This is an individual assignment designed to expose you to a new historical topic that you might not otherwise learn much about in a history class. Before you complete this assignment, you … Read more

History 1301

   ZOOM Name: [INSERT NAME HERE] Podcast Response Assignment 10% of course grade  Podcasts can be an entertaining way to learn about history. This is an individual assignment designed to expose you to a new historical topic that you might not otherwise learn much about in a history class. Before you complete this assignment, you … Read more

Final Exam US History

 URGENT need done in 2 hours !! In 3-5 paragraphs using scholarly sources answer the following question.   In what ways were mobilization and the effort, in World War I, a fulfillment of the progressive legacy? In what ways did the war deny the basic tenets of progressivism? 

Final exam Urgent US history

  3-5 paragraphs using scholarly sources   By 1890, the U.S. Department of the Interior declared the Western frontier officially closed.  Why?  Fully describe at least three major changes in the American West that had taken place since the start of the Civil War.  Why has the mythical “Wild West” still exercised a power over the imaginations of many Americans after … Read more

us history final exam

  3-5 full paragraphs using scholarly citations  Urgent need done in two hours   Woodrow Wilson narrowly won re-election in 1916, riding on the campaign slogan “He Kept Us Out of War.” While this is often taken to mean the First World War, it really applied to the border clashes with Mexico. Why did the U.S. become involved … Read more

Final Exam US history

URGENT need done in 2 hours !! In 3-5 paragraphs using scholarly sources answer the following question.  Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century? 

Final Exam US History

URGENT need done in 2 hours !! In 3-5 paragraphs using scholarly sources answer the following question.  Both Indians and Hispanics were hardly “monolithic” ethnic groups in American life. Explain how that led to a variety of responses to the activist currents of the 1960s and 1970s, among both Hispanics and Indians.