US history final exam

  3-5 full paragraphs using scholarly citations  Urgent need done in two hours   What was “Manifest Destiny,” and how did it apply toward American expansion?  In particular, how did Alfred T. Mahan influence American strategic thinking in the late nineteenth century?  Illustrate at least three cases in which Mahan’s ideas took shape in the Western Hemisphere and/or … Read more

Final Exam US History

URGENT need done in 2 hours !! In 3-5 paragraphs using scholarly sources answer the following question.  Many historians feel that Harry Truman as much as Joe McCarthy gave force to the postwar “Red Scare.” Explain why you agree or disagree. 

us history final exam

  3-5 full paragraphs using scholarly citations  Urgent need done in two hours    What key events between the end of WWII and the Vietnam War (1945-65) do you think contributed the most toward the success of the Civil Rights movement?  Name at least three court cases, demonstrations, or government actions that had a positive effect on integration.  Who … Read more

Research Paper On Slavery

  Research paper is due May 7th on Slavery and the effects it had on America. How did Slavery effect the politics of America during that time? How did it effect the women at that time? What was the social economic effect of slavery?  How did it effect the African American culture then and what are … Read more


For this last assignment you will find your own primary source document to analyze.  Chose any protest song you want, from the entire time period of US history we cover (including the present), and write A COMPLETE historical essay on it.   You want to be sure that you pick a song that, not only … Read more

310 History class

  Directions: Based on your reading of chapters 14-16 in Master of the Mountain answer the questions below. First, be sure to type your answers using this Word file after downloading it to your desktop (hit the file download link above). Keep the original numbered questions along with your answers and upload your completed assignment.  Instead of one … Read more

1-2 pages

 In the second half of this course, we looked at material dealing with American history after the American Revolution, up to the Civil War. What were the political and social causes that led to the Civil War in the decades that preceded it? And how did the Civil War reflect on unfinished business of the … Read more

aas essay

Prepare to write an essay to critique these stories. Do not just summarize the stories. Write with your critical understanding of the stories: What is the meaning of the story? Suggestions on your critiques thematic focus/foci: 1. In Number One Son, Food For All His Dead, Yahk Fahn, Auntie, and A Day in Pleasantville there … Read more

Debate – American Revolution

 Please review the homework and understand it before contacting me, instant bids will be ignored Due in 24hrs Week 3 Readings: U.S. History , and . You have been divided into two groups.  For this discussion, Group A (Last name A-L) will assume the role of an individual who supported the American Revolution (a Patriot or Whig), while Group … Read more