Art History Essay

 One of the aspects to the art and architecture we have discussed this Unit from such related yet diverse faiths as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the way that their beliefs influenced how the art was produced, be it the nuanced symbolism and narrative of Christian art to the aniconic, intricately decorative and calligraphic Islamic … Read more

Slavery In The US

  please write a 1/2 – 1 page reflection in which you respond to the following question: What are your thoughts on slavery in the US previous to the Civil War?  Please base your response on the information presented in chapter 9.  Give details in your response from the reading to support your opinion

Discussion Question 6

 The idea of Manifest Destiny suggests that the expansion of the United States was pre-ordained by God. However, the United States expansion, from sea to shining sea, was motivated by several other factors. Describe two of those factors and how they influenced the westward expansion of the United States in 8 to 10 sentences

Special population

 In the US the White culture tends to be the dominant culture, however, American has become more diverse and we are seeing more inclusion relating to culture, religion, and races.  Can you share an example of how society has or has not made significant changes to become more inclusive?


How has the automobile impacted American society? In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile industry. During the 1950s, Americans purchased 58 million cars. By 1960, 75 … Read more

300 discussion board post

  Section I. Make sure you submit your feedback on tthe presentation assigned to you.  Scroll down until you get to Section II of this forum to complete this discussion.  Listen to Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech, read our Chapter 13 (CBA) and listen to Malcolm X speeches.  After revieweing the assigned material respond to … Read more

Hist signature assignment

 Using primary texts supplied IN THE FOLDERS ABOVE, choose two pro-slavery and two anti-slavery documents and write a 750-word essay that demonstrates how the proponents and opponents of slavery used the themes that frame this course when making their arguments (Mobility, Democracy, Capitalism, and Difference).   You should identify the authors main point, and utilizing … Read more

History Project

 Looking through reputable newspapers published between 2015-2019, find a news story that specifically ties to an event that occurred in American history that was also covered during our class (1500s-1877). Then, you must complete a one-page writeup discussing the relationship between the historical event covered in our class and the current event discussed in the … Read more


  Roosevelt called his program to reform the nation’s economy during the Great Depression the New Deal. Not only did it bring about major reforms, and introduce tougher regulation of big business, it also set a precedent for greatly expanded federal government involvement in the economy and society. Some of the programs that were initiated … Read more

American Government

  Part 1: 1. Explain the history of Civil Rights in the United States. 2. Next, explain what the ramifications were of the Supreme Courts 1954 decision in Brown vs Board of Education. How did this expand civil rights in the US 3. Finally, explain the importance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 … Read more