
 Journal Requirements  I define a full-page as one that has 1-inch margins all around, is double-spaced, and does not use extra spacing to stretch the content of the paper. Furthermore, the journal entry needs to end at the very bottom where it meets the 1-inch margin.    Howard Zinns, A Peoples History of the United States Chapter 18, … Read more


Historical Event Analysis (HEA): The student will be responsible for choosing an event in American History from the list provided and create an argument on its significance using historical evidence of at least one primary source and one secondary source. The student will also analyze and interpret the primary and secondary sources by explaining how the material impacted … Read more

Canadian History Essay Questions

Finish in 30 hours FIRM HIST 136 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE SP21 The Final Exam for HIST 136 consists entirely of a single essay question that you need to answer in full. You will not be able to cut and paste your answer onto the answer field on Moodle so it is important that you … Read more

350 discussion board post

  I.Section Dr. Painter concludes that, in the context of the Cold War,  activism among Black American communities took two forms: a) protesting segregation through nonviolent strategies; and, b) the advocacy of self-sufficiency, separation from the social sector discriminating against Black Americans, and self-defense.  To participate in this discussion, follow these prompts. 1) Provide two … Read more


   This assignment requires you to write an essay of at least 550 to 750 words on the following primary sources:  two women write letters discussing John Brown.  It is important to read Chapter 13 to understand who John Brown was.       Answer the five questions found in Bones of the Past, attached, in relation … Read more

Sport, recreation, and play changed significantly over the course of the 19th century in the United States because work changed significantly over the course of the 19th century in the United States

In an essay of no fewer than six and no more than nine pages, use it as a platform to summarize and explicate the most important themes of this class.  Draw on assigned course readings in the construction of your answer.  It will be evaluated based on quality of answer, quality of prose, and level … Read more

History -Discussion

Answer one of the following in detail, atleast 10 sentences.   1. In what ways did Salutary Neglect influence future calls for independence? 2. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay fled an established church and religious persecution in England. Why, then, did they promptly establish their own church and persecute dissenters? 3. What role did the … Read more

Analysis of “Slavery as it Exists…”

In this assignment you are being asked to analyze a political cartoon regarding slavery. Be sure to read all of the information below, chapter 11 of the textbook, and refer to the Library of Congress for the dialogue. At the bottom of the page is a political cartoon criticizing abolitionists and a link to the … Read more

How did the United States policies change or evolve over time ? Politically, Economically or Socially. (pick one aspect and show the American change over time)

It has a clear purpose and thesis or controlling idea.  The thesis is supported with adequate reasons and evidence.  It shows sustained analysis and critical thought.  It is organized clearly and logically.  It shows knowledge of conventions of standard written English.  It shows awareness of disciplinary conventions in regards to content, style, form, and delivery … Read more

Discussion Question 5-2

 The distinct qualities of the North and South in the early history of America including economic, cultural, geographical, and other qualities. Those differences seem to still be present today. Describe some of the differences from the Pre-Civil War period and compare them to the differences today.  Describe in 8 to 10 well written sentences