US Constitutional History

Consider the following points when researching and writing your paper: 1) Briefly describe the issues involved in the case. Identify the plaintiff and defendant. 2) When did it occur? What contexts (historical, political, judicial, etc.) are important to understanding the case and its outcome? 3) How and where did the case originate? What were the … Read more

Discussion #11

Richard Nixon served as Vice-President of the United States from 1953 to 1961, and as President from 1969 to 1974.  He was the only person to be elected twice to both the Presidency and Vice Presidency.  In 1969 Americans had joined together in pride over the lunar landing and Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon.    … Read more

Short Essay

   1. World War II was a Total War, meaning whole countriesgovernments, militaries, and the civilian populationswere fighting for their very survival. Although the United States was late getting into the war, when it did enter, the entire population mobilized. Consequently, all sacrifices and decisions from 1941 to 1945 were aimed at total victory over … Read more

“Jon Ossoff” Handbill georgia senante

  Open your physical or email mailbox during a campaign year and you may find hundreds of unsolicited, political handbills funded by individual campaigns, Political Action Committees (PACs), and Super Political Action Committees (SPACs). Handbills may include endorsements and/or condemnation from interest groups, public policy concerns, and snippets of news coverage favorable and/or unfavorable to … Read more

APA Style 800 words

 Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal. As part of your analysis and discussion, you must address the long-term legacies of the New Deal and major historical assessments that have been made of it, and if you agree or disagree with these assessments.  Use … Read more

Art History Essay

 Imagine you are a Classicist specializing in ancient Rome, and you have been traveling the world trying to bring back together separated objects from one original ancient location. To do this, complete the following: Choose one (1) of the following TYPES of structures from ancient Rome:– the private home of a member of the patrician … Read more

Criminal Justice

Written Assignment  Assignment: Following are web links to two YouTube videos. Each video describes one stage of two different criminal court cases. After carefully watching each video, read and respond all questions in this assignment. You are expected to draft short, yet precise answers to each question. Your answers will be graded according to their … Read more


Using evidence from the Eyes of the Prize Reader, critically discuss the claim that the “Civil Rights Movement fought for civil and political rights but had neglected economic justice. Please state the reasons for your arguments by referring (in quotation and discussion) to the text. Failure to do so will be penalized. Due Date April 9, … Read more

Discussion Question 3.2

 he American Revolution not only impacted the British colonies in North America, but also throughout the world. Describe a revolution that is occurring today and compare it to the American Revolution. Be sure to include the roots of the current revolution and its impact worldwide.    In 8-10 Sentences

Final Paper: Conley

 Topic: In this paper you are to analyze the process by which Conley learned the dynamics of race and class through social institutions such as family and school. What are the social practices and discourses associated with those institutions that framed race and class identity for Conley? How did these institutional processes and the cultural … Read more