Compose Speech (Just document no voice required) _ funding Concern

  you will compose a speech advocating why your chosen department, administration, or agency within the federal bureaucracy should receive additional funding. Because the world is a stage, let us establish the setting, plot, and the ensuing action for your speech. Setting:Exterior: Washington D.C. State Capitol Building.Interior: Room 221B. Congressional Hearing Room. Plot:Imagine that you … Read more

Modern, U.S. Foreign Policy Doctrines

  Select a modern, presidential doctrine from the following list: Truman Doctrine Eisenhower Doctrine Kennedy Doctrine Johnson Doctrine Nixon Doctrine Ford Doctrine Carter Doctrine Reagan Doctrine G.H.W. Bush Doctrine Clinton Doctrine G.W. Bush Doctrine Obama Doctrine Trump Doctrine Provide a brief summary of the foreign policy doctrine. Contrast this foreign policy doctrine with pre-WWII U.S. … Read more

City Life In The US Since 1880

Reading Response Week 9: Jane Jacobs, Death and Life of Great American Cities 1. Using what you know from the Ric Burns documentary New York City, who is Jane Jacobs? Specifically, why did she end up in conflict with Robert Moses over highway construction? 2. Why is Jane Jacobs critical of the theories of urban … Read more


 Instructions: Primary Sources: There will be ten (10) Primary Sources that students will read over the class. Each Primary Source will be labeled as OpV # and will require the student to understand each side of a topic, provide a 300 word summary of each side, and then answer the questions at the end of … Read more


instruction: Secondary Sources: There will be ten (10) Secondary Sources that students will read over the class. Each Secondary Source will require the student to read a short article and answer the questions on the last page. There will not be a length requirement for answers. Just answer the questions completely. The goal is to … Read more

Analyze how the U.S. conducts governmental policies.

  Federal Budget Speech “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” – Thomas Jefferson The federal budget spends close to four trillion dollars a year and is split between mandatory spending (what the federal government has to spend due to congressional legislation) and discretionary spending … Read more

Propaganda Part 2

Please compose a PowerPoint presentation of at least 6 slides in which you share your 3 examples of propaganda.  Be sure to provide a brief analysis of each example in the presentation. You should include a title slide and a reference slide. These slides do not count towards the final slide count. 

Discussion #10

Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities grew increasingly active in opposing discrimination and in protesting white resistance to black progress in housing, education, and employment. Martin Luther King and others embarked on a campaign of nonviolent resistance and demonstrations, which spread to the south. Some of the leadership in the Deep South responded … Read more


Question 1: From your reading, explain the differences between primary and secondary historical sources. Furthermore, provide a detailed example of each type of source. Question 2: From your reading, analyze the differences between a “top-down” and a “bottom-up” approach to understanding United States history. Furthermore, provide a detailed example of each historical perspective. Question 3: … Read more

Research Project

For this assignment, you will first recall the number of the topic, numbered 1 through 7, which you selected for the Website Evaluation assignment earlier in the semester. You must now match that number you chose earlier with the numbered term paper topic, below. You cannot choose a different topic; your topic must be numbered … Read more