city life in the US since 1880

Reading Response Week 9: Jane Jacobs, Death and Life of Great American Cities 1. Using what you know from the Ric Burns documentary New York City, who is Jane Jacobs? Specifically, why did she end up in conflict with Robert Moses over highway construction? 2. Why is Jane Jacobs critical of the theories of urban … Read more

Compare massachusetts and virginia colony

An essay comparing and contrasting the Massachusetts Colony (including the Plymouth Colony) and the Virginia Colony. Include the reasons why they settled, problems faced by the colonists in the New World, how the problems were overcome, and the major leaders and legislation involved in forming each colony. No word limit but should be more than … Read more

Unit 12. Reading and Writing: Modern Art: 1950s to Present

 Assignment Starts Mar 28, 2021 12:00 AMEnds Apr 5, 2021 11:30 PM (click on above link to access reading assignment) Writing Assignment:Summarize the meaning and media of arts relationship to nature in Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates. Writing Assignment for Unit 12 Reading & Writing should include: ONE summary Paragraph of the Introduction, and FIVE summary Paragraphs … Read more


 Can democracy be sustained when so few people are involved in the political system? Voter turnout in a local election can run less than 10 percent, yet local governments are the ones that affect people more closely on a daily basis. Why do more people not vote in America? Explain.

The Ethics and Civics of reformers

The Populist and Progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought about widespread changes to American politics, economics, and society. In this essay, we want you to consider the ethics and civics of the reformers. Describe THREE of the key reform movements of the Progressive era. Who were these reformers and what … Read more

Ku Klux Klan

Focus on a topic that allows you to make a critique.  Write 2 paragraphs supporting evidence to prove your idea(s). Use at least one reference and cite it multiple times. The textbook and/or Powerpoint notes are excellent sources for this question.   At the bottom of the presentation, list the full reference(s) like in a Works … Read more

Versions of Manliness Essay

WRITE 5-8 PAGES DUE APRIL 2.  What were some of the versions of manliness embedded into college football in the late 19th century, and to what degree were they the same as, or different from, the versions of manliness embedded into prizefighting during the nineteenth century? 

Research Topic and Proposal Essay

In this assignment, you will propose the research topic pertinent to US History to the Civil War you would like to investigate this term in a brief, 1 2 page (300 500 word) essay. In proper essay format, begin by describing your topic in a sentence or two and how it relates to US History … Read more

History English

   HISTORY DEFINITION LIST ESSAY /  Each essay topic in this section has terms or phrases listed underneath it. In writing this essay, you will only be required to explain the historical significance of the terms listed under your chosen topic in your essay answer. You MAY NOT mix terms between topics. Your essay will … Read more

History English

   HISTORY SHORT ESSAY Below are listed the possible essay questions. I want All 3.  You MUST start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. Each paragraph should have at least 7-8 sentences. General analysis alone is not good enough. Each body paragraph MUST mention at least TWO different PROPER NOUN relevant to the … Read more