
Discussion – Chapter 18 & 19

1. In response to the development of an American Empire overseas, Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota stated: “We come as ministering angels, not as despots.”  Representative Bourke Cockran of New York disagreed: “We who have been the destroyers of oppression are asked now to become its agents”  Based on our readings this week,  which of … Read more

Discussion 3 – Chapter 3

1. What was the role of religion in the colonies? What was the relationship between religion and government in the colonies? How did that differ from Europe? 2. How did the institution of slavery develop in the colonies? How did it differ from slavery in the Old World? How did it connect the New World … Read more

M2 Discussion 6: Reflection

  The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on and share the things you have learned in this module. Instructions Identify something that made you go “wow” in this module – what surprised or impressed or shocked you? Describe why this thing stood out to you.  Use quotes from your readings and research to … Read more

United states history

Please read and explore the information on the tribes listed then discuss the questions below in your answer. I recommend reading about the culture and history in the tribal website.  What is the historical importance of these tribes? Discuss at least 3 aspects of Passamaquoddy and Wampanoag life, such as: Pre-Colonial type of clothing, homes, … Read more

Unit 5 : Modern American Due 09/05/2021

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.  For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Review and reflect … Read more

case study history

Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3, 4 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, pick two (2) of the following settlements: Southern colonies Chesapeake colonies Middle colonies New England colonies Then, address the following for your selections: Compare and contrast the settlement … Read more

East Asia

Assessment Imagine you are a visitor to medieval Japan. You decide that you want to explain to your friends back home what you have seen and done in Japan by writing two postcards. Unfortunately, you know that Japan is very isolationist and is skeptical of contact with the outside world. For this reason, you will … Read more