(1)  Do you feel it is beneficial that we have countless interest groups and that  they  have an enormous influence in our political system: (2)  Do interest groups end up helping the powerful segments of society at the  expense of the collective good or not? (3)  Would America be better or worse if interest … Read more

The Quest for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

  Directions: Write a 400 word, APA-formatted expository essay that addresses the following: Identify the distinction between civil liberties and civil rights. Identify where civil liberties are addressed within the U.S. Constitution. Identify where civil rights are addressed within the U.S. Constitution. Select two Supreme Court cases from the Supreme Court Case List: one case … Read more

aas writing

Writing assignment, covering both 1 and 2:   1) Provide a critical summary on the debate by a) Robert Dunn, b) Kaye Hong, and 3) Stanford Chinese Student Association and Dun’s response to the criticism 2) What if today you are asked this question: “Where will your future be — in America or your ancestral … Read more

Observing a Civil Rights or a Civil Liberties Event

  Part 1: First, to prepare to answer the discussion questions, attend a local, state, or federal meeting that addresses either civil liberties or civil rights. Note that you should have the Part 2 discussion questions in mind as you attend the event you choose. Use one of the following options for attendance: Physically attend … Read more


I am looking for  a proficient top Academic Paper writer who has intellectual and proper citing skills to write a paper for me.   This should be a formal, academic paper : writer can a topic you find interesting, the writing of the topic needs to be done in a formal, academic tone. This paper is designed … Read more

museum essay

Imagine that you are Director of Exhibitions at the (fictional) Museum of American Sport.  The museum has decided to display a collection of late-19th-century sporting guides for the public the same guides we have been examining in our recent modules.  Prepare an essay of 750-1000 words about these guides, targeted at museum-goers, to be published in … Read more


I need the assignment by 03/13. It is an untest for history where we have to write about three IDs, basically stuffs that happened in the history and then we have to write about connections about how they are connected and then we need to write about geography, the place where an incident happened and … Read more


Historians have taken to describing the economic changes in America between 1815 and 1845 as a market revolution. What did this revolution include? How widespread was it? How did it impact different segments of American society? When responding to your peers, discuss the social and cultural implications of this transition. Was it indeed a revolution? … Read more

American Government

Then analyze the impact of interest groups and lobbyist in by answering the following questions: Whom do they benefit and how do they affect our society? What incentives do interest groups offer to get individuals to join the group, and what strategies do interest groups use in their attempts to gain favorable policy. To answer … Read more