Who can write a paper for me, due March 12?

History as a discipline is focused on analyzing changes in societies over time. As an example of this, British colonists’ ideas about religious authority, spirituality, and common religious practices underwent enormous change by the 18th century. Explain how, when, why, where, and among whom the revival movement known as the Great Awakening caught hold and … Read more

Analyze how different factors shaped the U.S. Constitution. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

  The U.S. Constitution and the Federalist v. Antifederalist Papers But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. – James Madison  On September 17, … Read more

Where should we place the blame for the Great Depression?

 Where should we place the blame?  Economists believe the Great Depression was caused by the weaknesses in the 1920s economy, but the person whose name will be forever linked to the depression is President Herbert Hoover.  Personally blaming him for the crisis, Americans started to call the shantytowns set up by unemployed people “Hoovervilles.”   Read the linked … Read more

MONOGRAPH PAPER of (The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Centurys on-line Pioneers).

  One to two paragraph brief summary of the book.  Who is the author and his/her background?    Does the author have any particular ideological viewpoint that he or she is trying to advance or do you consider the author to have been neutral and presented both sides of controversial issues?  (You will find asking … Read more


To give some parameters, your essay should be approximately 6-7 paragraphs with complete sentences.  A. Analyze the Presidential Reconstruction of the U.S. South after the Civil War. How did Reconstruction change and why? In what ways were the 4.5 million ex-slaves assisted by the constitutional amendments and the Freedmens Bureau? How did most Southerners react … Read more

Us foreign policy

  Historically, has  US foreign policy been a positive or a negative ( or neither or both) for international diplomacy, since 1980? You must provide and discuss at least 2 events to support your case. Your answer must be at least 500 words

Historical Fiction: The Middle Passage

  General Information Value: 50 Points (late papers are penalized) The due date is listed in Canvas. Warning- this is a very difficult assignment. The subject matter is very brutal and the assignment requires you to look at this from a very personal experience. Very challenging. Contact me if you have questions or concerns about … Read more

AMH- D12

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, has been described as having had a very engaging personality. Even people who disagreed with his policies, found themselves drawn to his attractive and carefully honed public image. Surrounded by tough, energetic administrators who insulated him from many of the pressures of the office, he seemed … Read more

Writing Reflection

You are to read Part 3 of the book “School: The Story of American Public Education” AND watch the documentary “Separate and Unequal” AND watch the youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O7BMa9XGXE Documentary Link: ( ) After reading and watching the videos, write a reflection. 

DP Market Revolution

Historians have taken to describing the economic changes in America between 1815 and 1845 as a market revolution. What did this revolution include? How widespread was it? How did it impact different segments of American society? When responding to your peers, discuss the social and cultural implications of this transition. Was it indeed a revolution? … Read more