Health Fad

 Choose one of the health-fad primary sources provided in Module 7, and, in an essay of 750-1000 words, use examples drawn from the volume to 1) summarize the tenets of the health program or regimen the volume advocated, and  2) explain how or why that program might have been appealing to Americans in the mid-nineteenth century. 

as below

  Question 1 (Part 1) Would you argue there is a difference in the 20th century Cold War and 19th century New Imperialism global and national impacts? Use examples from each to explain your opinion. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary. Question 1 (Part … Read more

American History Writing

  WRITING ASSIGNMENT 1A: Reconstruction.   President Lincoln’s goal for reconstruction remained linked to his goal in the war-preserve the Union. His plan favored leniency, in order to as quickly as possible reintegrate the south, and gain the support of Southern Unionists (mostly former Whigs). Radical Republicans urged a much harsher course, believing that the … Read more

Atomic Bomb

In order to prepare for this discussion forum:  – – After you have completed your readings post your answers to only ONE of the following questions. What are the explanations that have been offered in support of dropping the atomic bomb? What is your response to these explanations? Make sure that you provide … Read more

US hist ongoing assignment

I have a project that needs to be done, it contains a chart and a powerpoint, need original and quality work Please read the instructions and see if you can do it Please use pdf. format when returning the chart, include work cited (MLA format) 

Discussion #6

 In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American people to remain “impartial in thought as well as deed.” At the end of the war, some members of the government pushed to expand American influence but to also remain free of any commitments, a policy its critics referred to as isolationism.  QUESTION:  In … Read more

History 1800 words essay

 Reconstruction was a period of economic and social revolutionary change. Throughout that period there were two social movement blocs or camps that emerged: the first was the industrial capitalist movement originating from the Industrial North. The second was abolition-democracy camp that was really a coalition between liberal radicals that wanted to abolish slavery and provide … Read more

US history assignments w13-17

I have some US history assignments that are quite easy and need to be done. Criteria and essential readings are all attached  Please read through the assignments and see if you can do it.  Need original and quality work, please return the files in PDF and check for grammar and spelling before hand, references needs … Read more

Group B

You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support SNCC and what evolved into the Black Power movement. Group B will support the SCLC (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s movement). To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you be in this debate? … Read more