
The end of slavery comes with it various suggested plans on how to integrate former slaves into free society during and especially following the Civil War. From the 40 acres and a mule expectation to monetary compensations, much of what was proposed never came to fruition. It is what many historians consider to be one … Read more


You have to examine, analyze, explain, compare, or contrast historical methodologies, perspectives, events, places, and people. You will need to give detailed answers (including names of historical places and figures) from content found in the modules and required reading only. You should be able to know, understand, and explain: Women’s Movement Betty Friedan Black Civil … Read more

Westward Expansion

Please write a 3 page response in which you list and explain three negative impacts of Westward Expansion on the lives of the Native Americans. Be sure to give details from the reading to support your choices (as there are more than three possible negative impacts from which to choose).


  Description In looking at recent Presidential Campaigns what made the candidacies of both Bernie Sunders and Donald Trump unusual? What were the strengths and weakness of both candidacies? What role, if any, did economic inequality play? What role did racial and ethnic antagonisms play? What if any are the long term impacts of both … Read more

Analytical Essay

Students must write a research paper–using both primary and secondary sources–that answers the following question: J.A. Hobson, a British theorist, and Vladimir Lenin, the Russian revolutionary and leader of the Bolshevik (later Communist Party) in the Soviet Union, both criticized late 19th century imperialism as a capitalist conspiracy by big business to subjugate colonies for … Read more


   To read Howard Zinns A Peoples History of the United States, Chapter 24 titled, The Clinton Presidency and Howard Zinn & Anthony Arnoves, Voices of a Peoples History of the United States, Chapter 23 titled, Challenging Bill Clinton. You will find that both works complement one another. For your benefit, consider answering the questions … Read more


Consider here whether you have ever cared deeply enough about an issue to do something tangible about it. If so, describe the issue and the tangible action. If not, discuss why that may be. Are you a member of any sort of activist groups? Discuss why or why not. For instance, what cultural assumptions play a … Read more

Choose 4 of the 5 above

  1. In your opinion, is U.S. involvement in Afghanistan another Vietnam? Why or why not? 2. What was the most important impact out of the 1960-70s Chicano Movements? 3. In your opinion, what is the most important lesson U.S. should learn from our involvement in the Cold War? 4. Based on your assessment, who … Read more


The following question will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what youve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply the skill of technology in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers … Read more