Art History

  Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Early Medieval).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it.  Observe … Read more

Ancient Greece

write 2 pages memo on Ancient Greece and some of it’s discoveries  here some reference that you shroud use  (Engineering an Empire: Ancient Greece) (Ancient Greece 101)


The Elgin Marble debate. Many key pieces of the Parthenon do not reside in Athens; they are housed in the British Museum in London after Lord Elgin removed them for safekeeping 200 years ago. The debate has turned into an international incident: The British claim the sculpture and statuary would be destroyed by the pollution and … Read more

Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

Advanced Assessment The Indus Valley civilization of the past was a mystery for a long time, but archaeologists unearthed many clues to help us understand what life was like back then. But there is more to find out! What sort of society exists today in the Indus River Valley now known as Pakistan? Steps: Complete … Read more


  Question -Identify the historical context of the document in a short paragraph. Cover any relevant economic, social, cultural or political issues that help situate this passage. Explain the relevance of this passage for understanding important historical problems or issues. Why is this SPECIFIC passage useful for historical research? What does it tell us about human … Read more

Art History

  Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Islamic).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it.  Observe its … Read more

Ancient Greece

Answer the following question in essay form (1,200-1,800 words). Be aware that there are several parts to the question. Be sure to make at least one reference to the primary source documents in the chapter readings. Discuss the cultural, geographic, and political reasons for the rise of the polis. What were the major differences in … Read more

Art History

  Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Byzantine).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it.  Observe its … Read more


Checklist: Do not use a standard essay format. Provide each component clearly and distinctly. Two paragraphs comparing two selected documents. One thesis statement One discussion question   Content Expectations: Step ONE: Identify the nature of the source material. Which readings are primary or secondary sources? Are they fictional works or do they present any evident … Read more

Art History

  Take a virtual trip to the Yale Art Gallery in New Haven, CT!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Jewish and Early Christian from their Dura Europos collection).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), … Read more