Art History

  Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Ancient Rome).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it.  Observe … Read more

World civilization to 1500

1. Compare one of the earliest territorial states to one of the later empires and address he following: What advantages do the empires have?What limited the potential of these early states?What other social changes made the empires possible?  2. Technology has played a significant role in the development of these societies. Choose two major technological … Read more

Art of Islam and European Middle Ages

  (click on above link to access reading assignment) Writing Assignment:Summarize the meaning and medium of the illustrated manuscript of Bahram Gur in a Peasants House, Ilkhanid Dynasty. Writing Assignment for Unit 7 Reading & Writing should include: ONE summary Paragraph of the Introduction, and FIVE summary Paragraphs of the 5 Topics from the reading assignment. … Read more

term paper

The instructions should show that it is relatively simple – define in your own words. I do not require a very formal paper – intelligent and concise is what I am asking for without sounding too colloquial. I do not require a minimum number of pages.  *NOTE: the term paper worksheet is only a guideline; … Read more


  Checklist: Do not use a standard essay format. Provide each component clearly and distinctly. Two paragraphs comparing two selected documents. One thesis statement One discussion question Content Expectations: Step ONE: Identify the nature of the source material. Which readings are primary or secondary sources? Are they fictional works or do they present any evident … Read more

1 page single space essay on the following topic

For this Reading Response, you will explore some Hellenistic thought. Read “Some Stoic Ideas” found here  and Epicurus’s “Principle Doctrines” found here:  Although they represent different philosophies, what common concerns do they address? How do these concerns reflect the social changes that accompanied the rise of Hellenism? How do these line up with the teaching … Read more

1 page single space essay on the following topic

For this Reading Response, you will explore some Hellenistic thought. Read “Some Stoic Ideas” found here  and Epicurus’s “Principle Doctrines” found here:  Although they represent different philosophies, what common concerns do they address? How do these concerns reflect the social changes that accompanied the rise of Hellenism? How do these line up with the teaching … Read more

Art History

  Take a virtual trip to Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York City!  For this assignment, your job is to navigate their site and search for an appropriate artifact from their collections (Ancient Egyptian).  Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write an essay about it.  Observe … Read more


  Checklist: Do not use a standard essay format. Provide each component clearly and distinctly. Two paragraphs comparing two selected documents. One thesis statement One discussion question Content Expectations: Step ONE: Identify the nature of the source material. Which readings are primary or secondary sources? Are they fictional works or do they present any evident … Read more


  Checklist: Do not use a standard essay format. Provide each component clearly and distinctly. Two paragraphs comparing two selected documents. One thesis statement One discussion question Content Expectations: Step ONE: Identify the nature of the source material. Which readings are primary or secondary sources? Are they fictional works or do they present any evident … Read more