World History – Annotated Webliography – DUE MON (9/27)

Topic: Buddhist Spread/Influence on Ancient China Format/Length: Chicago Style / 250-300 words per source (5) – approximately 6-7 pages Due: 12 pm EST – Monday, September 27, 2021 Info: Please see the attached assignment details and rubric. You MUST use the attached draft template (titled HIST 115 Annotated Webliography Template), which also includes notes from … Read more


In two or more paragraphs, answer the following question. Your answer should be single-spaced, in 10 pt. Times-Roman font. Be sure to answer the question thoroughly. (10 pts)  During the Renaissance, why was Humanism revolutionary for the time period? 

Discussion Board 1: (The West in the World Chapters 14-18)

Answer one (only one) of the following 1. How did the Enlightenment change Western civilization? In what ways did the Encyclopedia symbolize the fundamental beliefs of the Enlightenment? 2. How did the creation of overseas colonies contribute to European political rivalries? 3. What were the major causes of the French Revolution? Were short-term or long-term factors more significant … Read more

Discussion History

  What are the thesis and main points of Eric Cline’s argument? What evidence does he use to support his thesis? Which author — Aristophanes or Sophocles — has a more positive view of women? Give specific examples form the Lysistrata and Antigone to support your answer. What does Herodotus see as the strengths and … Read more


This story is set against national turmoil and political unrest. A young man is culled from the population to serve as a resource for identifying insurgents. Really ponder the titles relevance to the story. Titles, characte names, and places are often highly significant in story telling

Respond to peer discuss (CL)

respond in your own words to the peer response below: The frozen conflict in Eastern Ukraine has become one of intense disagreement. The Russian-inspired separatist factions in Eastern Ukraine (Luhansk and Dunestak) pose as threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, statehood and NATO membership– Russia’s primary goal (Grigas, 2016).  Russia’s encroaching efforts left Kyiv scrambling … Read more

World History – Annotated Bibliography – DUE MON (9/13)

Class: World History Class  Assignment: Annotated Bibliography  Topic: Buddhist Spread/Influence on Ancient China Format/Length: Chicago Style / 250-300 words per source (5) – approximately 6-7 pages Due: 12 pm EST – Monday, September 13, 2021 Please see the attached assignment details and rubric. You MUST use the attached draft template (titled HIST 115 Annotated Bibliography … Read more

Comparing the goals of the Declaration of independence

Compare the goals of the Declaration of Independence, especially the phrases all men are created equal and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the goals of the failed Equal Rights Amendment. In your response debate whether the goals expressed in each are incompatible or similar.