The Incas

  Requirements: Write a three to five-sentences caption for the following six images. Dont forget that your caption should: 1. Name and describe the image 2. Explain how the image shows the Incas contribution to civilization Make sure to label each of your captions in your file that you send to your instructor. It should look … Read more

Ancient River Civilization

   Ancient River Civilization S.P.R.I.T.E Template complete the chart below.    MESOPOTAMIA Tigris   and Euphrates Rivers EGYPT Nile   River Valley INDUS   RIVER VALLEY India   and Pakistan EAST   RIVER VALLEY Phoenicians   and Israelites   SOCIAL Israelites and Phoenicians shared this area.   POLICAL Aryans brought with them the concept of Rajah.   RELIGION They practiced polytheism … Read more

Dance Evaluation

In this 3-part discussion, you will (1) compose a 3-paragraph original post, (2) compose ONE response post to a classmate, then (3) write a reflection to your own original post about this aesthetic experience.  1. Carefully view the excerpts of the Swan Lake and Night Journey dance selections (in Required Online Exploration). 2. Find and read TWO research sources (BEYOND … Read more

world religion

Read the textbook PART 3: Hinduism, chapter 9 (p. 133-146) & chapter 10 (p. 146-156). Submit two separate Precis Paper’s, one for chapter 9 and one for chapter 10. Keep in mind the three-part structure described on the syllabus for what constitutes a Precis Paper: Part I is a Summary with a minimum of 5 … Read more

discussion board 200-250 words

  This week we will be exploring possible futures for global governance and the international system. I have framed the lectures this week around three possible futures: one in which current global governance arrangements muddle through, one in which the world suffers a dramatic social and political collapse due to the strains of environmental degradation, … Read more

The Holocaust

I need a final research paper APA7 student version. Talking about the Holocaust and the events that led to it. My professor does not want us to talk about what everybody already knows, like Auschwitz; Although it is important to mention. I wanted to also add a part in which I talk about survivors an … Read more


   Art of Your Choice Template Each week in our Weekly Discussion, we ask you to select a work of art, architecture, music, or writing/performance art that you want to highlight.  In the first week, we ask you to do this with something you already know and like and it can come from any period … Read more

EXAM 2 promt HELPPPPPPPPP NEED it in 4 hours

  Exam Number Two This exam requires you to write an essay in response to the prompt given below. The essay should be around 1,500 words (please use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and double spacing). Your answer should rely primarily on the material covered in the lectures, supplemented by the assigned readings.  Do not do … Read more

Discussion 5

Pick three of the following terms and describe their significance as it relates to the global impact on world history during 1914-1960. 1. Fascism                                                          6. The Holocaust2. … Read more