On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit officially came into force. These goals address every topic of concern we have discussed this semester.  Over the coming decade, it’s the hope of UN … Read more

discussion board questions

1)   Attached Files: (10.237 KB) (768.407 KB) Attached are two documents: The instructions for Source Assignment 2 The sources to use for Source Assignment 2 Read through both of these, and answer the questions included in the instruciotns. 2)   Attached Files: (19.426 KB) Source Assignment 3 focuses on documentary film, Dr. Mary Beard’s … Read more

Short Answer to Reading

Please read a famous essay that the well-known Palestinian scholar and political activist, Edward Said, wrote for Harpers Magazine in the 1980s. Said, who passed away in 2003, is credited with changing the field of post-colonial studies with his landmark book, Orientalism (1977). In addition to reading the article, please watch this movie about Said … Read more

Baroque Style

  In Humanities 112 we will look at art from the end of the Renaissance to the present, roughly 1500 to 2021.  We will see what art can tell us about the cultures and people of the time periods we cover.  What can art tell us about ourselves?  Humanities 112 isnt about memorizing a bunch … Read more

Article 3

Read the attached article.This assignment consists of a number of parts.  You need to complete all steps to receive a grade for the assignment. 1 Explicitly identify the thesis of the article.  The thesis is 2 Summarize the article in approximately two pages.

Essay 3

  Prompt Over the last 5 weeks, we have examined a variety of key regional issues: the characteristics of the regions political economy, regional integration processes, the role played by institutions in the region, the emergence of nationalist forces, the persistence of traditional security concerns (especially maritime disputes) and the growing threats posed by non-traditional … Read more

2-3 page paper

  Write an essay (typed, double-spaced; 2-3 pages) responding to ONE (1) of the following questions: What were the political, social, and philosophical causes of the American Revolution? You can focus on one of those factors, or a combination of them. Make sure to provide direct examples for your argument.

Co – Curricular Activity:

  Co – Curricular Activity: As a GL core class, we are required to include one co-curricular activity. This basically means that you should engage in a meaningful activity that involves interacting with the course beyond the class materials, with the community at large. You may fulfill this requirement by visiting an organization/ exhibit/ event/ activity … Read more

essay 400 words need it for today in 10 hours

  Watch the following short videos on the South China Sea and on the “re-education” of Uyghurs.  Altogether the videos will take up about an hour and 15 minutes (including the optional video).  For either topic (or you may discuss both) discuss the different security concerns from the Chinese perspective and from that of the … Read more

Discussion 6

Discussion 6: Peril and Promise No unread replies.No replies. Review Film Discussion Guidelines and Grading Criteria on the .  Watch the PBS documentary episode 6: Takes viewers through the past 30 years, with a second wave of Cubans arriving in Miami during the Mariel exodus and with hundreds of thousands Salvadorans, Nicaraguans and Guatemalans fleeing … Read more