
   How do you define imperialism? Is imperialism always colonialism? What is colonialism? Why colonialism? Do you know the different between direct rule and indirect rule? What was the aim of imperialism and colonialism? Why did great powers (more or less) abandon commitment to territorial empires? What is the relationship between nineteenth-century imperialism and capitalism?

Is the communist manifesto a utopian text

The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848), is one of the most influential books of all time and has ignited endless political and social debate, both in words and in violence; for this reason, despite its brevity, the book is also difficult to effectively analyze. However, I would like you to think … Read more


 which of the following would have the most immediate impact on chinas economics? A.shift in climate patterns  B. Failure of hydroelectric plants C. Blocking of exports  D . Rise in cost of imports 

Public Health- Comparative Health System

Please use the guidelines below for preparing your final paper for Comparative Health Systems: Writing a comparative analysis paper is different from other academic papers which may be simply researching on a single topic. For this course, your comparative paper should be using 2 countries from 2 different regions within the textbook. These may be … Read more

Joseph McCartin

Based on your reading of Joseph McCartin, Fighting for Industrial Democracy in World War I, Why did the federal governments wartime labor reforms lend legitimacy to the slogan industrial democracy? What was the role of the National War Labor Board in labor-management relations?  How did the board help workers and labor organizations during the war? … Read more

European Western History

 GUIDELINES: Follow the course guidelines for format and footnotes. Include course specifics (from the textbook and videos) to support your answers. There should be at least 1 footnote for every paragraph/answer. Minimum word count: 375 (at least 125 words per question) Chapter 23 What was the Dreyfus Affair and how was it related to the … Read more

Assignment 8 Environment

  Watch the following videos on environmental issues in international politics (all together they take up less than an hour to watch, so watch them all).  Discuss what you think are the major contemporary international or global environmental problems.  Give at least two reasons why environmental issues are exacerbated by the anarchical structure of the … Read more

discussion board 200 words

  This week you will learn about the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the often vexed relationship it has with sovereign states. The United States, in particular, has taken a very hostile stance towards the ICC which is currently investigating the possibility of atrocities in Afghanistan. The US argues that because it did not ratify … Read more

World Civilization Assignment 3

*ONLY USE THE SOURCES PRESENTED/ NO OUTSIDE SOURCES* What is the mercantilist economic theory?  Explain what mercantilists understood as wealth.  What are the implications for this perception of wealth when it comes to things like trade, and the acquisition of goods for trade?  From the two short reading excerpts provided in module 9, explain the … Read more