World history

As the societies were becoming global how was the West able to rise to dominance during the 19th century?  What was the impact on non-western societies as a result of this dominance? This paper should be (3) pages in length.  You can use your textbook as a source along with (2) supporting sources.  This paper … Read more

interpreting primary sources

   Source Assignment 1 gives you the chance to be the historian and work with interpreting primary sources. It’s due 3/9 by 11:59pm and worth 15% of your final grade to watch a video with advice on how to do the assignmentAll assignment information is attached above: The Assignment Instructions The Creation Narratives – which … Read more

history homework

This character is Empress Wu. According to her life, answer the following questions. There are at least three sources, one of which can not be a website. At least 3 sources must be used to answer the research questions. 1 source must be a non-digital resource (book, journal, newspaper, etc.) You may not count your … Read more

Essay Video Analysis

  Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 4, 5, 6   Contemporary world history sixth edition William J. Duiker  Lesson Link (video): (53:48) Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook) InstructionsWatch the entire video on Benito Mussolini (noted in the Required Resources). Identify and describe 3 aspects of the video … Read more

signature assignment for history

In an  essay that is approximately 750 words in length, analyze the provided  historical image and place it within its proper historical context. Your  essay should contain a thesis or argument that answers the question  below and use evidence from the image to support that argument. You may  use your textbook and/or lecture notes in … Read more

world history and culture

write down two pages summary of book.  Daily life in  china on the eve of Mongol Invasion, 1250-1276, by Jacques Gernet.  Requirement:  Double space  Time New Roman MLA format 

World Religion and Thoughts

   Module #2 Reading Questions (50 points) Each student is required to complete reading questions associated with the primary source reading assignments in Module #2. There is a question set for each tradition studied (100 points for each tradition’s set). Students must follow the directions included with the question sets. For full credit, students must … Read more

world view

you will write a 150-200 *total word, Word document summarizing the key points from each source (75-100 words about the week’s lecture & 75-100 words about the reading). The competing story of matter-ism (materialism) Problems for matter-ism Any claim about the true view of reality is narrow. Classic Hinduism and the New Age Things are … Read more

essay 1500 words do not use outside source

  Exam Number One This exam requires you to write an essay in response to the prompt given below. The essay should be around 1,500 words (please use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and double spacing). Your answer should rely primarily on the material covered in the lectures, supplemented by the assigned readings.  Do not do … Read more