Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi Activity

1.Describe two examples of how Mazzini and Young Italy failed to accomplish what they set out to change inside of Italy 2.How did Mazzini and Young Italy establish the foundation of Italian unification while not directly succeeding themselves 3.How did Cavour utilize his newspaper IL Risorgimento to encourage change 4.Describe the modernization efforts of Cavour … Read more

World history

The Revenge of Nature discussed in Chapter and 15 lasting impacts on the societies in the 14th and 15th century.  Examine these impacts on the societies and how it can be compared to the impact of nature during the time of COVID. This paper should be (3) pages in length.  You can use your textbook … Read more


Please describe some of the challenges (political, economic, social, military, etc.) facing Russia since the collapse of the former Soviet Union. How have Russian leaders (such as Yeltsin and Putin) attempted to deal with these conditions? What do you think of Vladimir Putins efforts to restore Russia to superpower status and his approach to leadership? … Read more

WWI Infographic

World War I Infographic We have covered the issue of how and why WWI on the Western front evolved into a stalemate of trench warfare as the leaders of the Allied and Central Armies did not grasp the implications of defensive firepower or the requirements to sustain firepower in an industrial age.  Known as the … Read more


In your opinion (and using facts to support your POV), did the United States have to end World War Two by dropping the atomic bombs on Japan? Do you see a different route to ending the war? Your response must be at least 6 complete sentences long.


In your opinion (and using facts to support your POV), did the United States have to end World War Two by dropping the atomic bombs on Japan? Do you see a different route to ending the war? Your response must be at least 8 complete sentences long.

Inventing a new work force

Create a comparison of industrial and preindustrial conditions, written from the perspective of a nineteenth-century observer. Your observer can come from any social background: he or she could be a scholar like Gaskell or Guest, a factory owner like Owen, or an actual factory worker. As you write, be sure to consider the influence of … Read more

AP World History Short Answer Homework Questions Help

The passage used to answer the questions is: When the [crisis] struck, nationalists were quick to identify the cause in [economic liberalism]. . . . As the crisis spread from country to country, global commerce and the gold standard increasingly came under attack. Once praised as the engine of economic progress and prosperity, international trade … Read more

Persian food

For your assignment, I want you guys to eat some Persian food (it can be a modern recipe–it doesn’t have to be from the ancient period) and write a short, informal paragraph describing your experience. You can either make a Persian recipe, get takeout from a Persian restaurant nearby, or, if for some reason these … Read more

Jules Ferrys French Colonial Expansion

   1. Use the rubric to complete the assignment and pay attention to the points assigned to each section of the paper.   2. Use the format of the paper to organize your paper. 3.  Use the samples of essay critiques as guidelines when completing this assignment.  4. Students are asked to critique Jules Ferrys … Read more