World history civilizations

Chapter 6:  The Great School Chapter 7:  The Great Empires After completing the readings for this week you explored multiple civilizations that rose to become great empires.  Pick two empires to discuss the advancements that were made and achieved within them.  Note the differences and similarities between the empires you pick to examine.   This paper … Read more

Assignment 1

  *Please do not use any outside material. Only the articles and any other material I have assigned you. This being our first assignment, it will be relatively straight forward and more descriptive than argumentative in nature. Having read The Clash of Civilizations you will need to locate and describe Huntingtons main thesis clearly. You … Read more

World Geography Assignment

   Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. When called for, sources must be cited in APA format. You can refer to the Format Requirements page for specific format requirements. Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words and examples. Design … Read more

High school Modern history assignments

I have 4 assignments that need to be done, each composes a mini essay/ research assignment, some assignment questions and a group discussion question (attached down below with information needed). Please look over the assignments and see if you can do it.

Assignment 1

 One important process in human history was the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled complex civilizations. For this Milestone, you will identify the features of complex societies, analyze real historical examples, and discover how culture can shape civilizations. Delivery:This assignment consists of a six-paragraph essay and at least three images (which you will paste into … Read more

Ancient Greece

 Try and keep your original response essay to the question to between 250 and 300 words.  Study the origins of the Second Peloponessian War.  How did the Athenians enter the war and how successful was the war in its first ten years (431-421 BC)? 

Short response for each essay and a 500 words essay

RESPONSE / ASSIGNMENT –(3) thorough thought questions + responses related to week 1 readings(100 words each) –(1) source described and well-situated in 500 words (include titled jpg of any non-text source, pdf of any text source) about 1949-1979 China’s big project base on the reading and your research.


 Examine Marx’s writings on communism and socialism and compare them to how they manifested in reality? What worked and what didn’t? What misconceptions do we have about his original intent based on what we see in past or current governments?  include in-text citation and cite in APA format