WORLD HISTORY – 800 words – 2 references

As the societies across the world were becoming global  with reference to contact with other societies, cultures and markets,  how was the West able to rise to dominance during the 19th century?  What was the impact of this Western dominance on non-western societies as a result?

Martin Carthy

 Research, write and post a 400 word minimum article on: Martin Carthy -Be sure to include quotations when referencing  – Be sure to cite at least two sources other than the course reading.  -Use an additional YouTube link if the posting is related to musical style, genre or artist. Be careful to avoid plagiarism.

Discussion board

As Dr. Stanback explains in the lecture video Contexts: Wilfred Owen, Owens goal as a poet was to warn and be truthful about war. In many of Owens WWI poems, he focuses on the realities faced by soldiers battling on the front lines of WWI. In two of his poems assigned for Week 2, Disabled … Read more

Discussion – The West in the World Chapters 14-18

1. How did the Enlightenment change Western civilization? In what ways did the Encyclopedia symbolize the fundamental beliefs of the Enlightenment? 2. How did the creation of overseas colonies contribute to European political rivalries? 3. What were the major causes of the French Revolution? Were short-term or long-term factors more significant for producing the Revolution? 4. How and … Read more

Discussion Jay Z song

 Intro week, discussion forum questions THE CARTERS – APESHIT What message or story do you think the Carters were trying to communicate in their music video, Apes**t? Answer this question based only on the images from the video; do not talk about the lyrics. What message or story do you think the Carters were … Read more

world cultures discussion question

 250-300 words When using specific examples or quotations from the text, please use a parenthetical citation, e.g. (Lesson 7.5). In 1989, during the waning days of the Cold War,  (liberal in a 19th c./Enlightenment sense, not a politically  left/middle left sense) and economics had won the day and “the end of  history” (), “the  passing … Read more

Discussion Question – World History

Two questions: In 250-300 words, assess how the Nuremberg Laws dehumanize and exclude from the German nation-state the Jewish people.  How does it define, control, and punish the Jewish people? What are its  goals, and why?  In 250-300 words, analyze what Russian revolutionary plate () tells us about propaganda in Communist Russia. What message was … Read more

World History – In-depth question

 You may not use any external sources. When quoting text or identifying a specific source reading, please use a parenthetical  citation (Lesson 5.2). Use of outside sources or unattributed quotes will be penalized.  write 5-paragraphs and it must include the following… A thesis statement, or argument, that is precise, contestable, and qualified;  Introduction and conclusion … Read more

History 1

Read John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” and Carville Earles “Pioneers of Providence.” John Winthrop defines the Puritan Ideal of Community, while Earle provides an economic and geographic perspective for establishing the English colonies in North America. Discuss the motivations for English colonization of America. Identify a particular group or colony and discuss the … Read more

History Journal

Create a journal entry of  500-750 words reflecting on what your life would have been like as an immigrant to the United States from 1830 to 1920. Be sure to include the physical, mental, and social issues you may have encountered. Use a minimum of three of the sources provided to support your journal entry … Read more