
   1 Describe the changes in civic life associated with urban growth in later medieval Europe.  Use the document in the Diversity and Dominance section of the textbook, “Persecution and Protection of Jews, 1272-1349,” in your analysis.  What does this document reveal about the position of the Jews in wester and central Europe 2 Discuss … Read more

Week 4 Assignment: Essay The Holocaust

    Identify the title, artist, date completed, and medium used. Explain the content of the artwork – what do the images show? How does the artwork relate to the bigger picture of the Holocaust? How effective is the artwork in relating the Holocaust to viewers?


Marxism, which originated in Europe, was not particularly relevant to China.  It was revolutionaries who imagined  its relevance, and made it relevant, to China. Please comment on this statement by analyzing information related to the Chinese Communist Revolution (early 1920s-1949). *Avery important issue to note: your response must reflect your own independent effort to reflect … Read more

Travel guidebook proposal

 South Africa Travel Guidebook Project Proposal Purpose: Choose and evaluate primary sources and submit a project proposal that demonstrates the viability of a project topic.  Task: First, read over the assignment for the . Then, choose a topic for the project. Your topic should be thematic and regional, meaning that you’ll investigate change over time in … Read more

week 8 world culuture

 Week 8 DiscussionOverall Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Please respond to one of the following, using the resources from this week’s Learn and those below as the basis of your response: Option 1: Write for one minute using the stream of consciousness writing method. (Note: You may also type it offline and copy it within this discussion thread.) Describe … Read more

Global Awereness Article

  Assignment Name: Global Awareness ArticlePurpose: Construct an evidence-based argumentative history paperSkills: Produce argumentative, thesis-driven, and evidence-based academic papers. Construct evidence-based arguments demonstrating how regional and/or global processes shaped the development of a local issue in Southern Africa. (Global Awareness) Knowledge: Assess key events, central themes, and questions pertaining to South African history. Task: Write … Read more

Twentieth Century African American Artists

Week 10 Discussion Please respond to one of the following, using the resources from this week’s Learn and those below as the basis of your response: Option 1: Choose one painting by a late 20th century African American artist: Bearden, Lawrence, Basquiat, or Colescott. Describe specific elements of the works from the chosen artists that represent the multiplicity of … Read more

Museum Visit

  In next week’s assignment, you will visit a museum or gallery or create your very own online museum for others to enjoy. To prepare for this, discuss why museums and galleries matter in our modern world. Outside of preservation, why is it essential that we support museums and galleries? Museums and galleries matter in … Read more